Obituary: Wayne Roy Brown


Wayne Roy Brown, age 78, of Cullman, Alabama passed away on Saturday, March 15, 2025. 

Wayne Roy Brown was preceded in death by his parents Charles and Pauline Brown, brother Dave Brown, wife Debby Brown and son Philip Clayton Brown. 

His survivors include sons Wade Brown of Michigan, Charles (Wolf) Brown of Michigan, Roy Brown of Alabama James Brown of Alabama and daughters Christie Brown of Ashville North Carolina and Judy Luker (Jason) of Alabama. Grandchildren Layna brown, Clayton brown, Brooke brown, Toley and Jenna Luker, Great grandchildren are Aiden Brown and Parker brown. He has 3 living brothers Charles brown, Dave brown, and Benny brown and one sister Paulette Webb of Michigan. 

He loved writing music, playing music, painting, playing poker, and golfing. 

Moss Service Funeral directing.