From the files of March 15, 1928
Holly Pond, March 13—Seems like rainy weather is the order of the day.
Mr. and Mrs. Lovie Crumbley are announcing the birth of a son at their home. Glad to report mother and babe doing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Bullion Brooks of Blountsville, were over Saturday night, visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meade.
On account of bad weather Saturday night, our party was a failure.
Walter House was the caller of Miss Hester Crumbley Sunday night.
Grady Elard motored to Brooklyn Sunday evening.
Miss Louise Neal spent Saturday night with Misses Dismukes.
Miss Alma Dismukes was all Saturday night.
We are glad to report our old neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Yar-brough and little daughter have returned home from Arizona.
Prof. E. L. Buckner is the proud owner of a new car.
Our faithful mail carrier does not seem so pleasant on account of the bad roads.
Wake up. Brooklyn and let us hear from you.
Lieutenant Colonel T. S. Moormas will be in Cullman on Monday, March 19th for the purpose of talking to young men between the ages of 17 and 24 concerning enrollment for C. M. T. C. training this summer. It is probable that many young men of our town and county will be interested and that a full quota will go to camp from June 17th to July 16th.
Cullman, R. 7, March 13.—Everybody is glad to see this pretty weather.
The party given by Miss Estelle Little Saturday night was enjoyed by a large crowd.
Toney Henderson and Miss Belle Barnett were out riding Sunday.
Grady Bice has a case of the measles.
Thomas Hosey called on Miss Lois Porter Sunday.
Miss Bernice Barnett spent Sunday with Misses Eron and Willie Hue Foust.
Horace Hicks called on Miss Flora Nuss Sunday.
We are glad to see Mrs. Bice out again after a long case of sickness.
John Foust and Emmett Fall-in motored to Center Hill Sunday.
Herman Hassell escorted Miss Eron Foust from the party Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ward and family spent Sunday with her parents in Hanceville.
Ottis Glasscock called on Miss Estelle Little Sunday.
Hubert Stisher was the caller of Miss Lois Howard Sunday.
Virgil Smith was the guest of Miss Belva Bice Sunday.
Percy Foust and Oscar Wortham had the pleasure of riding in an airplane Sunday.
Prof. and Mrs. York spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. York, at Hanceville.
Miss Eron Foust spent a few days last week in Cullman.
Miss Flora Brown who is attending school at Eldridge, is visiting her parents.
The B. Y. P. U. social was enjoyed by a large crowd Friday night. Among those who attended were Jodie and Earnest Moore, Grace Harding, Estelle Little, Ottis Amos, Ottis Glasscock, Er-cycle Ward, Lois and Onva Howard, Annie Mae and Vesta Spradlin, Emmett and Tillman Fallin, Mr. Riggins, Ethel and Ella Brown, Mabelle Sutton, Elsie Plunket, Flora and Hazel Nuss, Ruby Walton, J. D. Plunkett, Percy Foust, James Marlow, Maurice Foust, Oscar Wortham, Gertis Bice, Troy Sutton, Mineyard Brown, Berma Brasswell and others.
Hanceville, March 14.—Miss Annie Rauchmann spent Tuesday in Birmingham.
Misses Martha and Verla Parson of Birmingham, were the week end visitors of their parents Mr. and Mrs. Buck Parson.
Mrs. Ruth Gordon spent Monday in Birmingham.
Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Head and little son, Hobson, spent the week end with relatives at Red Bay.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Barnett of Birmingham, spent Sunday with Mrs. Ruth Gordon.
J. L. Dunn is the guest of relatives at Flint this week.
Walter Latta of Blountsville, spent this week here with relatives.
Mrs. Henry Webb of Bessemer, is at the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Ben Caudell, who is critically ill.
Frank Sides was rallied to his home at Carbon Hill Wednesday on account of the illness of his little daughter, who is quite ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. Jim Moore died at her residence in Hanceville Tuesday afternoon, after an illness for several months. Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Thursday morning. Interment in Hopewell cemetery. Mrs. Moore is survived by her husband, parents, four sisters and four brothers.
We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family.
A basket ball tournament for the girls of Cullman county will be held at West Point, Friday, March 23, beginning at 1 o’clock. Games will begin immediately after and will continue until 9:30 Friday night. Finals will be played off Saturday and Saturday night, March 24th. All games will be played on the indoor court. A fee of 10 and 15c. will be charged for each sessions for those who wish to see the games (excluding players and coaches). A silver loving will be awarded the winning team.
Information has been mailed to the teams that committee knew of. Please mail the name of your school and a list of your players to Miss Pruett, Director of Girls’ Athletics at West Point, by Mar. 21.
Field Day will be held Saturday, March 24. All schools are invited to come and bring school exhibits and take part in the various athletic contests.