Files from Yesteryear: Feb. 22, 1934

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of Feb. 22, 1934


A dog suffering from rabies went wild in the West Point community, about nine miles west of Cullman last week, and was not killed until six people were bitten, also a number of animals and several dogs.

The victims of the mad dog were Charley Reynolds, Clyde Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and daughter and a son of Melburn Whittle.

When the mad dog was finally killed, the head carried to Decatur for examination, it was found the dog was badly affected with rabies. The Pasteur treatment was at once prepared and is now being given to the above-named people by their physician.


Cullman R. 1. Feb. 22.—Miss Ruby Hinkle left today to take up her school at Battle Ground.

Mrs. Sim Calvert is improving nicely.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dodson and little Sonny spent Sunday in Birmingham.

Gene Weeks has returned home after a week’s visit to Mr. and Mrs. Auburn Weeks.

The chicken supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Hendrix was very much enjoyed by the following young people: Misses Lula Griffin, Hilda Livingston, Ruth Weeks, Lyda and Christine Fuller, Clara Love and Mavis Hendrix. Messrs. Frank Livingston, Glenn Reid, Claude Woods, Brock and Newton Hendrix.

The school at this place is progressing nicely with a large attendance.

Francis Weeks, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Weeks, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Weeks.

Jess Day and son, Curtis, have returned from South Alabama.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlichting have moved back to Florida.


Cullman R. 3, Feb. 21.—Mrs. S. V. Burgess and daughter, Maude, spent Monday with Mrs. W. M. Jetton.

Glenn Jetton, son of Ed Jetton, spent the weekend in this burg.

Mrs. Ellis Ashley’s parents are going to spend some time with her as her husband was recently taken from her, leaving her with two little sons, Clyde and Eugene, and a little daughter, Margaret.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Teague were called to Georgia Saturday to attend the funeral of his father, who died Friday, leaving a wife and several children and many friends to mourn his death.

Buron House called on Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Federer Saturday night.

Mrs. Wynell Federer and Ruby Armstrong spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Minnie Jetton.

Mrs. J. S. Shults spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Nelson.

Mrs. Bernice Tune is improving we are glad to report.

Mrs. Andy Smith is spending a few days with her sister, Lola Bates.

Dunk Sanford and little son are ill with the measles.

Idell and Preston Yeager spent Sunday and Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jetton.


The plans for the tournament which is to be held at Welti school Friday and Saturday, March 2 and 3, are well underway. Several teams have already entered and others have notified us that they would enter. We hope everyone will feel free to enter and help us to make the tournament a success. To those basketball supporters, let us call your attention to the fact that this tournament will feature some enjoyable games, since many of the players have had much experience. We hope if you like the sport that you will come and see the games.

There will be five players selected to compose the all-county team. The selections will be made by those who are capable of judging the technique of basketball.

The games will start at 4 p.m. Friday, March 2nd and will be finished Saturday night, March 3.


Auburn, Feb. 21.—Leaving land out of cotton production emphasizes the importance of kudzu in the Alabama cropping system. It is one of the most promising crops grown in Alabama for forage and soil improvement, according to J. C. Lowery, extension agronomist of the Alabama Polytechnic Institute.

Lowery said that kudzu furnishes excellent temporary grazing and is especially good as a soil builder, being useful in stopping landslides and washes and in utilizing waste lands. He said that it is also a splendid hay crop.

On the fields of the Experiment Station at Auburn kudzu produced annually more than two tons of hay per acre over a period of six years. Analyses show that it has a slightly higher feeding value than alfalfa. All kinds of livestock find it palatable.