CULLMAN, Ala. – Below are the arrests and incidents reported February 20, 2025. All persons are innocent until proven guilty.
GJ = grand jury; FTA = failure to appear
Cullman County Sheriff’s Office
February 18
- assault; CR 738
- burglary; CR 223
- violation of domestic violence protection order; CR 1251
February 19
- theft of property; CR 703
- domestic violence; CR 610
- harassment; CR 438
- assault; Hwy. 69S
- theft of property; CR 437
- theft of property; CR 471
- possession of sawed off rifle-shotgun; unlawful possession with intent to distribute controlled substance; possession of dangerous drugs; possession of drug paraphernalia; unlawful possession of certain chemical compounds; Hwy. 69S
February 17 – February 19
Benefield, Harley D.; 26
- FTA – possession of drug paraphernalia
Blair, Austin F.; 18
- GJ – sex offense-force
Boatright Sr., Joshua A.; 46
- FTA – permitting livestock to run at large
- FTA – permitting dogs to run at large
- possession of methamphetamine
- possession of drug paraphernalia
Brockman, Christi M.; 45
- FTA – possession of drug paraphernalia
- FTA – possession of dangerous drugs
- FTA – driving while license suspended
Collins, Brandy R.; 32
- FTA – illegal possession of prescription drugs
- FTA – possession of drug paraphernalia
- FTA – possession of dangerous drugs
- FTA – tampering with physical evidence
Cox, Wendy M.; 39
- FTA – forged instrument
Davis, John P.; 25
- FTA – driving while license suspended
Dickinson, Chad E.; 38
- possession of methamphetamine
- possession of drug paraphernalia-2nd offense
- unlawful possession of certain chemical compounds
- unlawful possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance
- possession of sawed off rifle/shotgun
Edwards, Haylie N.; 23
- FTA – theft-miscellaneous
Floyd, Cassie M.; 30
Freeman, Dalton M.; 29
- PROBATION VIOLATION – possession of drug paraphernalia-1st offense
Freeman, John S.; 60
- permitting dogs to run at large
Graham, Kye E.; 20
- possession of methamphetamine
- possession of drug paraphernalia-2nd offense
- unlawful possession of certain chemical compounds
- unlawful possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance
- possession of sawed off rifle/shotgun
Handley, Kenny D.; 35
- GJ – sexual abuse-1st degree
Hendrix, Natasha N.; 29
- possession of methamphetamine
- possession of drug paraphernalia-2nd offense
- unlawful possession of certain chemical compounds
- unlawful possession with intent to distribute a controlled substance
- possession of sawed off rifle/shotgun
Hines, Timothy W.; 53
- burglary-residence-no force
- criminal mischief
- possession of methamphetamine
- possession of drug paraphernalia-2nd offense
- theft-from residence, $500-less than $1500
- theft-miscellaneous
Marsh, Michael D.; 38
- FTA – open container-alcohol in vehicle
- FTA – reckless driving
Matanane, Robert A.; 41
- GJ – sex offense-rape-strong arm
McCarn, Terry L.; 61
- GJ – incest with minor
- GJ – sex offense-victim under 12-offender over 16
Melvin, Mary C.; 41
- FTA – assault-child abuse-simple-family
- FTA – possession of dangerous drugs
Murphey, Aaron D.; 28
- FTA – criminal mischief
- FTA – resisting arrest
- FTA – public intoxication
Nail, Jonathan T.; 41
- burglary-residence-force
- attempting to elude a police officer
Pearson, Juwan I.; 28
- FTA – possession of drug paraphernalia
Rudulph III, Nat G.; 51
- violation of a domestic violence protection order
Sellers, Lemuel G.; 58
- open container-alcohol in a vehicle
- DUI (alcohol)
Sneed, Cody L.; 40
- FTA – possession of dangerous drugs
Vinson, Rayburn R.; 37
- FTA – driving while license suspended
Wilson, Jerald R.; 54
- GJ – sexual abuse-1st degree
- GJ – sodomy-1st degree
Cullman Police Department
No incidents reported.
February 19
Mullinax, Emily G.; 20
- theft of property-4th degree
Ramirez, Eric I.; 28
- theft of property-4th degree
Shaw, Stephanie A.; 34
- FTA – possession of drug paraphernalia
Williams Jr., Theodore V.; 37
- FTA – criminal trespass-3rd degree
- FTA – theft of property-4th degree
- FTA – possession of drug paraphernalia
- FTA – possession of marijauan-2nd degree
Hanceville Police Department
Incidents and arrests reported by CCSO.
Find arrest reports online Monday-Friday at