Letter to the Editor: Help us fill the empty bowls in Cullman County


It is hard to believe that 20 years ago the first Empty Bowls of Cullman County dinner was held on Nov. 17, 2003.  From the very beginning, it was very apparent that God gathered the people together to make it happen: the potters, the culinary experts, musicians, businesses, churches, schools, etc. The first planning meeting was held on Sept. 29, and the dinner was held less than two months later.  Organizers hoped serve 100-200 people and raise $2,000.  However, when it was all said and done, over 600 people came to the dinner that first year and almost $6,000 was raised for the food bank.

There are many fond memories of that first year: running out of chili (high school students were sent out to area stores to buy chili), running out of bowls and basically running out of everything because the response from our community was so wonderful! At the end of the evening, Javon Daniel excitedly said, “This needs to be an annual event,” and so it has become one. It definitely has become a very special, anticipated night in our community. It is truly a blessing every year to watch God at work through so many people using their gifts and talents: from the potters who work all year long, musicians the chefs, students and donations from the community make this evening special. And truly, all the honor and glory goes to God for the success!

Because of this, over the last 19 years Empty Bowls of Cullman County has raised $239,099 for our community food bank at Cullman Caring for Kids. The needs of the food bank have continued to grow over the last 19 years.

Last year in 2024, the food bank served 10,239 families consisting of 21,979 individuals; 6,321 were children younger than 18 – almost one third. The majority of the people coming to the food bank continue to be on a fixed income. The food distributed at the food bank is distributed once a month. The 75-80-pound bags of food are intended to provide a family of four nutritious food for three days.

Remember, money goes a long way at the food bank and you can help support and be a part of the Empty Bowls of Cullman County dinner in several different ways:

  1.  Buy a ticket (Your $15 donation will buy 105 lbs. of food)
  2. Make a donation (a $100 donation will buy 700 lbs. of food)
  3. Contribute an item for the silent auction
  4. Tell others about the Empty Bowls dinner

The Empty Bowls dinner will be held in Hearin Hall at First United Methodist Church from 4-6:30 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 17.  The price includes an evening of Southern gospel music, performances by Brian Westbrook & The Misfits and Enell Baker, a keepsake pottery bowl, chili and a grilled cheese sandwich. Tickets are $15 and are available at Cullman Caring for Kids and First United Methodist Church. Carry outs will also be available. For more information, please call Cullman Caring for Kids at 739-1111 or First United Methodist Church at 734-6690.

Looking forward to seeing you at Empty Bowls on Feb. 17, 2025.

                          “For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…”

                                                                                                                Matthew 25:35 Tanya Shearer