Files from Yesteryear: Jan. 5, 1950

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of Jan. 5, 1950

Knight Circle Has Delightful Meeting

Mrs. W. R. Rainey and Mrs. O. M. Fisher were co-hostesses on Dec. 19 to members of the Knight Circle of the First Baptist Church.

Mrs. R. E. Lee and Mrs. H. Clay Smith presented the program and the members exchanged gifts.

The hostesses, assisted by Mrs. Dennis Rainey, served delicious refreshments to the 21 members present.

Mrs. Robert Knight, Circle leaders, was presented a lovely orchid.

4-H Club News


The Cullman County 4-H Club Council was held on December 17, in the basement of the Methodist Church with fifty-two members attending. The meeting was called to order by the vice-president, Ann Neal from the Logan Club. After the devotional, Christmas carols were sung led by the song leader, Mary Frances Zinnmester of East Point Club.

After the business session of the meeting was held, the group was entertained by members of the 4-H Club String Band. The band is made up of: Elwin Harbison, Bruce Harbison, Gerald Meade, Erwin Reid, and Dan Stewart.

Suzanne Rogers Celebrates 6th Birthday

Suzanne Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Toy Rogers, celebrated the sixth anniversary of her birth on Thursday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30 at Kiddie Klass.

Assisting with the games, and refreshments were Mrs. Gracie Tompkins, Mrs. J. M.- Gorham, Mrs. S. B. House and Miss Berthelle Gorham.

Those who joined Suzanne for the party were Butch Howard, Renee Scott, Gail, Sarah Evelyn and Junior Widner, Linda Hughes, Mary Ruth Kessler, Rita Bergin, Jimmie Demonia, Carol Ann Stephens, Nan Gould, Jackie Dial, Elaine Murphree, Mickey Lumpkin, Eugenia Call, Michael Ward, Chuckie McMeans, Joyce Ann Ziegler, Paulette Helton and Rodney Camron.

Ann McKoy Injures Elbow

Little Ann McKoy fell at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. O. McKoy on Friday as she was playing and badly sprained her elbow.

Ann thinks this is her unfortunate elbow since it is the same one she had broken about two months.

Cullman Officers Win Race; Catch Three

Three men were approaching their still near Bug Tussle when they were spied by Cullman officers and the race began. However, it ended shortly with the three, Jim Freeman, Columbus Williams and Virgil Stewart, being caught by Cullman officers, O. W. Hancock, R. B. Moyers and Rayford Hyatt and A.B.C. Investigator J. C. Williamson.

The men were placed in jail and were released Friday on $1,000 bond each, charged with manufacturing whiskey.

Taken at the still, which was in operation in the woods were five gallons of whiskey and 500 gallons of mash.

Last fall at the Cullman Tribune sponsored Horseshoe Pitching Tournament a veteran from Route 2, Vinemont was runner-up Well, last Sunday this veteran’s son was not runner-up but the champion. Horseshoe pitching James Cordie Wynn’s son, James Kennon Wynn, was the first “arrival” in 1950 in Cullman County and therefore was “winnah” of the Thirteenth County Baby Derby.