Files from Yesteryear: Dec. 31, 1931

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of Dec. 31, 1931

Mrs. Bonnie Allison Entertains at Bridge.

Tuesday evening Mrs. Bonnie Allison entertained a few of her friends with a delightful bridge party at her home in the city.

Bridge was played at three tables. Those enjoying Mrs. Allison’s hospitality were Misses J. Phillips, Leona Torrey and Dovie Ruehl, and Mesdames Bess Morrow, Belle Culpepper, Horace Wells, S. V. Foust, Herman Lee, Walter Allison, A. C. Edwards and H. Eddleman.

High score was made by Mrs. Horace Wells and low score was made by Miss Jimmer Phillips.


On Christmas day a family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Singleton, on the west side, with the following in attendance:

The mother and grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Singleton, daughter, Miss LaMae and son, James, of Decatur, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Kilpatrick of Hartselle, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wright of West Plains, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Grady Singleton of Monroe, La.; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Owen of Cullman, and Miss Pursie Butler of Texas.

In the evening a singing was enjoyed with Ellis and Cranford Burns, two prominent young men of our city, leading the singing.


Hanceville R. 1, Dec. 30.—Miss Estelle Hudson spent Christmas week with her aunt, Mrs. Etta Miller at Bremen.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson took Xmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hudson.

Misses Vivian and Jewel Pitts and brother were guests of Mrs. Maggie Hudson and children on Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller, Ben Brazil, Mrs. Zora Cone and children, Jadie Cone, David, Andrew and Robert Cone were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Hudson Sunday.

Misses Vivian and Jewel Pitts spent Sunday morning with Miss Bessie Woods.

We are glad to report Grady Barringer is back from the hospital and is doing fine.

Mrs. Grimmett and children spent Sunday with Mrs. George Martin.

Misses Evelyn Grimmett and Ruby Martin spent Sunday evening with Miss Annie Quick.

Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hudson and children took supper with his sister, Mrs. Hicks.

Miss Bessie Woods spent Sunday night with Misses Vivian and Jewel Pitts.

We are sorry to learn of the death of Sam Crockman.

Horton Whaley and Charles Hestra spent Sunday with their cousin, Paul and James Woods.

Mr. and Mrs. John Harris spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pink Pitts.

Miss Magdalene Moore and mother spent Sunday with Mrs. Coffman.


Mr. Williamson, the efficient superintendent of the Cullman county pauper farm, brought to the Tribune office last week three half grown pears and informed us that there was a tree on the farm full of the second crop of pears.