Practice safety awareness this holiday season

Make sure fresh trees have green needles that do not fall off when touched. (unsplash)

The Cullman County Sheriff’s Office has some seasonal safety tips for the community to help with safer driving, shopping and overall home preparedness this holiday season.  

While driving and/or shopping:

  • Keep doors and windows locked at all times, whether you are inside or out of your vehicle. Don’t make it easy for the bad guys!
  • Pay more attention to your surroundings than your phone.
  • Remember where you park! Park in well-lit areas at night.
  • Pay attention who you are parking beside; avoid vans, camper shells or vehicles with dark tinted windows.
  • Park as close as possible to the building.
  • Never leave your vehicle running while unoccupied (or with children inside)!
  • Do not leave valuables in plain sight.
  • Have your keys readily available as you approach your car.
  • Be especially aware of your surroundings as you are approaching your vehicle.
  • Do not approach your vehicle if there are suspicious people loitering around the area.
  • Ask security or store personnel to escort you to the vehicle if you are apprehensive.

At home:

  • Keep your doors and windows locked at all times!
  • If you are leaving for an extended period of time, have neighbors or family members check on your residence and pick up your mail.
  • Leave a radio or TV on to give the appearance that someone is home.
  • Large displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through the windows and doors of your home.

If someone is at the door:

  • Be aware that criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering packages or gifts.
  • You are not required to open your door. Never open the door if you are uncertain.
  • Do not hesitate to call the sheriff’s office/police department if an issue arises.
  • Be skeptical of door-to-door solicitors. Criminals will take advantage of people’s generosity during the holiday season.

Here are a few tips that will help with Christmas trees:  

  • Make sure fresh trees have green needles that do not fall off when touched. Before you put it in the stand, make sure there are 2 inches cut off the bottom. A lot of local sellers will do it for you.
  • Keep your trees 3 feet away from any power sources. Radiators, HVAC systems, candles, high-voltage lights don’t need to be within reach of your tree. Three feet of separation is a good rule of thumb. Also, make sure your trees aren’t blocking the exit of the house.
  • When using lights, ensure they’re labeled and show they were tested by a third party, such as Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL), and meet safety requirements. 
  • Make sure to use indoor lights inside the house and outdoor lights outside the house.  When purchasing lights, read the label for the location in which the lights are to be used.  Many are marked as indoor/outdoor use and have been tested as such. Please don’t use real candles as decorations and make sure to turn off all lights before going to bed.
  • It’s not common for Christmas trees to catch on fire — but they will light up a house in a heartbeat. With pre-wired trees, the plastic covering over the wires can break down causing the wires to short out. Make sure there are no broken or exposed wires before plugging into an outlet.