Files from yesteryear: 1905, 1935

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of 1905

The Ladies Symphony and a number of friends met at the M.L. Robertson home on the 27th. Presenting the program of piano and vocal selections were Mesdames, Beyer, Brown, Hartwig, Hays, Dreher, Coe, Parker and Miller and Misses McMinn and Madsen.

W.B. Nunn, of Centerdale, received a badly injured foot when it was mashed by a heavily loaded wagon.

Frost was very evident here on Monday morning.

Those of Beat 11, who have posted their land against trespassing are: A.H. Speegle, Mrs. S.E. Self, J.W. Daniel, D.H. Livingston, Adelia Self, J.M. Doss, Sid S. Swan and Grant Swan.

J.M. Price, who had the misfortune to lose his house by fire recently, is nearing the completion of a new residence at Berlin.

A RFD Route will be started from Clarkson, on May 1st. Lee Cochran and Bird Griffin are applicants for carrier.

Logan, Crane Hill and Sardis IOOF Lodges will celebrate the 86th anniversary of the order on April 29th, at Logan. The committee planning the program is C.F. Bruce, R.H. Boon, G.N. Burdick, J.H. Burns, N.A. Burch and J.W. Jaggers. Those on the program will be the Honorable A.A. Griffith, W.J. Williford, Mrs. Julia Gillespie, Mrs. M.A. Tingle, Doctor J.A.B. Lovett and W.H. Livingston. The Logan Cornet Band will play.

From the files of 1935

James H. Pittman has been named postmaster at Crane Hill.

Pick Goodwin, of Bremen, has accepted a position with the agricultural department in Washington.

Recent winners of the baby contest, sponsored by the Simcoe Baptist Church, were Donald Patrick, first and Hilda Joyce Henry, second, in the below two years division and Monte Hendrix, first and Gwyneith Tillman, second in the two to five year old group.

Messers D.C. Fuller, H. Clay Smith, Homer F. Mitchell, R.P. Johnston and Reverend J.E. Marion are attending a Baptist Laymen’s Convention in Birmingham, on Thursday.

Mrs. J.F. Weeks and Mrs. J.M. Oldacre have returned from Newnan, Georgia, where they attended the funeral of a relative, Mrs. B.C. Ferrin.

Mayor and Mrs. J.A. Dunlap attended the Alabama Mayor’s Convention, in Montgomery, this week.

Sheriff J.E. Pierce attended the peace officers convention, in Huntsville, the first of the week.

Miss Iva Alexander and Cecil Meadows were married at the First Baptist Church, on Saturday evening.

Newman Laminack, 29, died in a Birmingham hospital, on Thursday.