Files from yesteryear: 1936, 1950

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of 1936

Congressman-elect, Luther Patrick, of Birmingham, will speak at the Cullman County Courthouse on Saturday afternoon at two o’clock. It is a meeting of the Roosevelt Club and a Democratic Rally for Cullman County.

The L.O. Brock family are building a new home.

There will be a play at White City on Friday night. A small admission will be charged.

Those married from September 24 to October 1, 1936 were Glaynus Quattlebaum, 20, to Miss Loree Jenkins, 16 and Buell Hale, 18, to Miss Ruth Waters, 16.

A large crowd attended church at White Grove on Sunday and Sunday night.

Mr. Floyd Linton has erected a new store building.

Pauline Camp and Cortez Johnson are attending Florence State Teachers College.

Velma Hicks was the Sunday dinner guest of Flossie and Flora Duke.

Mr. and Mrs. Val Woods drove to Montevallo on Sunday to escort Opal Brown to where she will be a student this year.

Mr. and Mrs. Troy Glasscock spent Tuesday in Birmingham.

Thomas J. Boyd was killed by a truck, while walking across the Bee Line Highway, from the mailbox in front of his home.

Laudie Vandiver was married to Jewel Calvert this week.

Mrs. Aurelia McCabe will move to Vinemont, at an early date.

Doctor Sudduth was killed in an accident while helping others, following a wreck with no thought for his own safety.

Martin Turner Harbinson was married to Miss Rucie Hudson this week.

From the files of 1950

Joseph H. Yeager and Claude H. Moore are enrolled at Perdue University in Lafayette, Indiana.

Louis and Leo Hasenbein, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hasenbein and both Army Corporals, arrived home last week for a thirty day surprise furlough visit, from Alaska.

Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel J. Jones were injured when a 15-year-old youth attempted to pass Walter L. Horton’s vehicle, knocking it off the road and hitting the Jones’ vehicle head on. Mr. Jones has a broken leg and cuts and bruises. Mrs. Jones has a lacerated scalp and bruises.

Mrs. Nellie Coffman, age 86, fell at her Hanceville home and broke a hip, last Thursday. She is the mother of John T. Christian.

Maxine Floyd, age 19, was killed in a Garden City accident on October 19th. Maxine’s twin sister, Christine, died an hour later and another sister, Mrs. Margaret Jones, suffered a back injury. They were all three telephone operators in Birmingham. The ladies were enroute to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Floyd, of Vinemont. They were well- known as the Floyd Sisters Trio.

John T. Harper, age 69 and John Frank Lambert, age 69, both died this week in separate incidents of self-inflicted gunshot wounds, according to coroner, Grady Moss.

Roy James Stewart and Margaret Jean Bice, of Walter, were recently married. Margaret is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bice.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buckness and daughters, of Oneonta spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Razzie Rice.