PREP SPORTS: ‘Always stay true to yourself’: Meek’s Marlee Mosley recaps Tiger career

Meek’s Marlee Mosley. (Courtesy of Marlee Mosley)

ARLEY, Ala. — Meek senior Marlee Mosley was a multi-sport athlete during her years playing for the Tigers and in this interview, she shared some of her favorite memories from playing alongside her teammates.

“Some of my favorite memories were when we won county in softball last year and area this year, and when we made it to the state tournament in volleyball last year,” Mosley said. “It made all of the work we put in seem worth it. Just being with all of my amazing teammates accomplishing those big things felt amazing. I learned to have confidence in myself, and there are always going to be obstacles you have to face as an athlete.”

Marlee played under a pair of coaches during her high school career and soaked up as much as she could from each of them.

“Coach Woods helped me learn what it felt like to have a coach who sees our full potential and believes in our team. She pushed me to be the absolute best I could be, even when I had doubts in myself. Coach Callie, my volleyball coach, has played a huge role in the athlete I am today. She welcomed me in when I moved in eighth grade, and she saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. Over the years, she has helped me and pushed me, but all out of love. She helped me gain confidence and love the sport of volleyball. I couldn’t be more thankful for my amazing coaches.”

Marlee will deeply miss playing sports at Meek next year. She talked about her favorite game that she was a part of, her favorite high school memory and what made Meek a special place to go to school.

“I will remember all of the memories I made over the years. I will miss my teammates, and they became like sisters to me. That’s what I’m going to miss the most,” she said. “My favorite game that I was a part of was the area championship game against Athens Bible in softball this year. My favorite high school memory is meeting my friends at Meek and making memories with them. What made Meek a very special place to go to was having coaches who believed in me and seen something in me.”

She also talked about a pair of role models that she looked up to in high school and gave some advice to the students that will be starting high school in August.

“I will remember the memories I made on the court and the field with my teammates. I’m going to miss playing high school sports for Meek,” she said. “I looked up to coach Callie. I also look up to my teammate, Laney Phillips, because she always has such a calm attitude and is just the sweetest person, no matter what the situation is. My advice to them is to always stay true to yourself. Don’t try to fit in. I would also tell them to work hard in everything they do, and good things will come to them.”

Marlee had a lot of younger eyes on her during her time at Meek and was a great role model to them. She talked about what she wants people to remember about her.

“Being the oldest sibling and cousin, I have always had a lot of young eyes on me. I have always tried to set the best example for them. I worked hard at everything I did, and I was always true to myself. I never changed to fit in with the crowd or be someone I wasn’t,” she said. “I want people to remember how I carried myself and how hard I worked on the field, the court, and in the classroom.”

Marlee earned a scholarship to continue her softball career at Gadsden State and she gave some advice to younger players that want to be where she is now.

“I really loved the campus, and one thing that impressed me was all the big things that coach Clark has planned for Gadsden State’s softball team,” she said. “Always believe in yourself, work hard for everything you want, and never give up on yourself.”

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