PREP SPORTS: ‘Keep God first, and never stop trusting Him’: Cold Springs’ Ciara Calvert talks Eagle years

Cold Springs’ Ciara Calvert. (Courtesy of Ciara Calvert)

BREMEN, Ala. – Cold Springs senior standout Ciara Calvert was a multi-sport athlete during her years competing for the Eagles and in this interview she shared some of the many memories she made alongside her teammates and coaches.

“My favorite sports memory is definitely going to state in basketball two years in a row. That is an experience that I will never forget, and it was so much fun. I’ve had so many memories with my friends and teammates over the years cheering in the dugout and on the court,” Calvert said. “It has been an honor playing with great friends and so much of their talent surrounding me. I have learned so much from my teammates, and we all pushed each other to be better players. My coaches have helped shape me into who I am today and I’m super grateful for them. I have learned so much from them. I’ve learned leadership skills, and that it takes hard work to be successful. I’ve also learned that you have to give it everything that you have at every moment, and don’t ever give up. The most important thing I’ve learned, though, is to always keep God first, and never stop trusting Him.”

Ciara talked about what she will remember and miss the most about playing at Cold Springs, her favorite high school memories, and what made Cold Springs a special place to be.

“The thing I will remember and miss the most is the love and support from the community. Our community is so supportive and will love on us, no matter the sport. Everyone is so encouraging, and I can’t wait to give back and love and support my underclassmen like my community did for me,” she said. “My favorite high school memories were the pep rallies and all the fun things we did during homecoming week. Cold Springs is so special, because it feels like home. We are a family.”

She will deeply miss being an Eagle when school starts back in August, and she gave advice to those students that will be starting high school in a few months.

“I will miss sports the most. I will miss and remember my classmates and how close we are. I will miss and remember our teachers and how much they care about us. My classmates, teachers, teammates, and coaches have made my high school experience the best,” she said. “My best advice is to never take anything for granted. Get involved in as many sports and clubs as you can and enjoy every moment.”

She had a lot of role models that she looked up to when she was younger and was given some great advice by her dad. She was in several clubs at Cold Springs and enjoyed those experiences as well.

“I grew up watching my cousins play basketball and looked up to them. I remember holding up signs and cheering them on in their games. They were great role models, not only in sports, but also great role models in school,” she said. “Before every game, my dad would tell me to have fun. I was in the Honor Society, 1936 Club, Clean Campus Committee, Yearbook, Math Team, FCCLA, SGA, and I was the Senior Class Vice President. Being a part of those clubs was a great experience, because I was able to be involved and represent my school in different ways.”

Ciara earned multiple scholarships and seeing her hard work pay off meant a lot to her. She also shared some advice to younger student athletes that want to be where she is now.

“I received the Bryant-Jordan scholarship for my region and the Allied Health scholarship from Wallace State. I am very thankful for these blessings. I feel very honored and blessed to receive them. I will be attending Wallace State starting this fall to pursue my degree as a PTA,” she said. “I remember looking up to my role models when I was a little girl, and now I know how important that is. I always want to try and do my best to be a good one. Hopefully, people will remember that I always gave it my all. My advice to them would be to work hard, hustle, and go all out. I learned that I can’t do things on my own. I have to put all my trust in God and know that His plans are bigger than mine.”

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