Obituary: Ellarea C. Dickson


Celebration of Life Service for Ellarea C. Dickson, age 77 of Crane Hill, will be at 5:00 PM on Friday, May 31, 2024. Visitation will be from 4:00 PM-5:00 PM on Friday, May 31, 2024 for family and friends, at Bremen Baptist Church. The family will continue to accept friends following the celebration of life service until 7:00 PM at the church. 
Ellarea C. Dickson, passed away on Friday, May 24, 2024. She was born, December 16, 1946, to David Calvert and Ailene Freeman. 
Mrs. Dickson was preceded in death by her parents; sisters, Gayla Dockery, Delena Watwood and Cherie Coaly and son, Robert Dickson. 
Survivors include her son, John Dickson; daughters, Bianca Dickson, Pamela Soto; grandchildren, Melaiena, Kyle, Rachel, Trevor, Alyssa, Adam, Mikayla, Tanner, Landon and Brayden; 24 great grandchildren; brother, David Calvert and all KFC extended family with 17 years of service.