A fun ‘Day in the Park’ in West Point

The Town of West Point held its annual Day in the Park on Saturday, April 27, 2024. (Cheyenne Sharp)

WEST POINT, Ala. – The Town of West Point held its annual Day in the Park on Saturday, April 27, at the town hall and sports complex. Local baseball tournaments were in full swing, with “Hey-batter-batter” and “Strike!” ringing through the air at regular intervals, punctuated by the high-pitch squeal of the little ones who are now the designated “field babies.”

The Town invited food trucks and local musicians to the park, adding snacks and live tunes to the afternoon’s event, shooting to maximize the fun. Musicians waited for their turn at the mic under the pavilion of the complex, hoping to sing to the hearts of the crowd and make lifelong fans, while West Point athletes held a bake sale and painted faces of tiny attendees.

Children meandered away from the ballgames and their parents and friends to make their way to the main draw of the day – the park’s seven large inflatable play structures, which were brought in for the Day at the Park. The giant play things included two gigantic slides, axe and football throwing and two bouncy houses. Children shrieked and giggled as they ran from structure to structure.

“I would like to personally say ‘thank you’ to all the vendors and trucks that came out to help celebrate Day in the Park. A special ‘thank you’ to each and every coach and assistant coach for stepping out on the field and stepping up for the West Point community’s children and parents, as well as all those who stepped in to create a magical day for these kiddos,” West Point Park and Recreation Director Jamie Sivley said. “Your help and encouragement does not go unnoticed and is absolutely appreciated. I hope you all had a fun Day in the Park.”

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