CCBOE recognizes biliterate students

Cullman County Schools students were recognized at the Cullman County Board of Education meeting in April for achieving the Alabama Seal of Biliteracy. Pictured are (bottom row, left to right) Mariana Degollado-Ramos, West Point; Mahaley Gomez, Fairview; Jaquelinne Perez Rivera, Fairview; Brittany Velazquez Morales, Fairview; Ashley Morales Fuentes, Vinemont; Mildred Lemus, Vinemont; Elena Saldaña Orona, Holly Pond; and ALSDE EL Coaches Robin Stutts and Miguelina Quiñones-Mason; (top row, left to right) AB Martinez-Jimenez, Fairview; Jordan Sanchez-Hernandez, Fairview; Jaime Rios Vazquez, Fairview; Jonatan Diaz Pesina, Fairview; Dr. Shane Barnette; and Brittany Schroer. Not pictured: José Trejo-Zea, Hanceville (CCBOE)

CULLMAN, Ala. – At its regularly scheduled meeting in April, the Cullman County Board of Education, along with Superintendent Dr. Shane Barnette, recognized students for achieving the Alabama Seal of Biliteracy.

The board said the students have shown exceptional knowledge and proficiency in both English and Spanish. This state-recognized seal will be added to the students’ diplomas, signifying their efficiency and fluency in Spanish and English to future colleges and employers.

Alabama State Department of Education Regional ESL Specialist Robin Stutts attended the meeting to assist in the recognition of the Cullman County students on a state level. Stutts said, “Today is a truly special day as we celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students who have acquired an exceptional level of literacy. This recognition acknowledges their exceptional proficiency in multiple languages and highlights their education and local communication and cultural understanding.”

The students were asked to stand before the gathered meeting attendees to receive their recognition from Barnette. Students recognized were Jonatan Diaz Pesina, Mahaley Gomez, AB Martinez-Jimenez, Brittany Velazquez Morales, Jaime Rios Vazquez, Mildred Lemus, Ashley Morales-Fuentes, Jordan Sanchez-Hernandez, Elena Saldaña Orona, José Trejo-Zea, Jaquelinne Perez Rivera and Mariana Degollado-Ramos.

HOSA awards

Three Cullman Area Technology Academy (CATA) students were also recognized at the meeting; the group recently traveled to the 2024 Health Occupation Science Association (HOSA) State Leadership Conference.

“We, as a board, have invested a lot of money in upgrading that facility (CATA) there and that program (Health Sciences), and I’ll tell you, every time I visit, they don’t disappoint,” Barnette shared.

At the state conference, students Breaze Freeman, Shayla Colchado-Reza and Trinity Sartin each received the Barbara James Service Award; this award is given to students in a health sciences technical program who have impacted their community with their volunteer work.

Sartin also came home Health Career Photography State Champion, Bethzy Rojas snatched third place in the Healthy Living category and Colchado-Reza followed closely behind Sartin in Health Career Photography in fifth place.  

CATA’s Public Health Team came in fifth place overall at the state conference; those team members are Ariyah Adcock, Dilynn Turner, Lily Vaught and Cali Pullium.

Kimberly Torres and Rojas walked away with scores within the top 10% of the Health Care Issues exam and Alana Bice and Katie Coleman were named Educators in Training Future Teachers of Alabama.

FCCLA awards

Cold Springs High School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) students won big at the FCCLA State Leadership Conference in March, when 10 students won gold medals.

Students recognized were Ellanora Slusser, Baylee Dye, Savannah Bischoff, Baylee Perdue, Sophia Slusser, Clayton Gary, Coco Fox, Rebecca Baggett, Aiden Freeman and Josiah Johnson.

e5 Exceptional Service Awards

Three volunteers were honored with the system’s e5 Exceptional Service Award, meant for individuals who go above and beyond their assigned duties within the school system. The volunteers who were recognized were Kevin Hale and Shane McKinney from Vinemont High School as well as Ed Cowger from the Cullman County Child Development Center.

In other business the board:

Approved the following resignations:

  • Brittany Schroer
  • Alice Steele
  • Oletia Duke
  • Selena Skipper
  • Selina Butts
  • Tonetia Peak
  • Tammy Arrington

Approved the following leaves of absence:

  • Angelee Mathis
  • Tiffany Ellis
  • Nina Moss
  • Sonya Adams
  • Christy Chappell

Approved the following appointments:

  • Rhonda Chaney
  • Emily Ryan

Approved the following substitutes:

  • Douglas Bates II
  • Julie Call
  • Jennifer Hall
  • Rachel Hicks
  • Nicholas Johnson
  • Braxton Pitts
  • Nana Baugh
  • Johnna Brown
  • Angela Dooley
  • Katie Drummond
  • Sharon Gorham
  • Celina Hinkle
  • McKenzie Roberson
  • Armanda Wagoner
  • Brooke Hyjek
  • Korey Cowart
  • Tammy Gomez
  • Jennifer Miller
  • Jessica Thornton

Approved the following salary and contract changes:

  • Amanda Martin- Upgrade to education specialist
  • Kimberly Lindsey- Upgrade to Masters
  • Summer Moon- Upgrade to Masters
  • Levi Estes- add Hanceville High School senior boys and girls Golf

Approved 2023-2024 Non-Faculty Coaches (NFC):

  • Preston Prewitt
  • Jacy Gorham

Approved to pay Alice Steele up to five annual leave days, as per board policy

Approved request from Fairview High School to pay George Redding Jr. $2,500 for extra football coaching duties

Approved request from Hanceville High School to pay Levi Estes $1,500 for field maintenance during the summer

Approved request from Vinemont High School to pay Hunter Cornelius $1,400 for extra work at the baseball fields

Approved request from West Point Intermediate School to pay Sonya Eady and Felicia Shearrer $250 each for work performed at West Point Intermediate and West Point Middle School pageants

Approved Request from West Point Middle to pay Christi Hamby $250 for work performed at the West Point Middle School pageant

Approved Fairview Elementary School’s Robert Strane as before and after school tutor, to be paid $40 per hour effective March 1, 2024

Approved out of state field trip requests from the following schools:

  • Holly Pond High School, April 3, 2024, to Orlando, FL- Concert and Jazz Band
  • Good Hope High School, May to Chicago, IL- Scholars Bowl
  • Vinemont Schools, May 8-9, 2024, Louisville, KY- Archery Teams
  • West Point High School, June 5, 2024, Reston, VA-Scholars Bowl

Approved the purchase of two 12-month CDs, one from People’s Bank of Alabama- $2 million at 4.9% interest and one from Citizens Bank and Trust- $2 million at 5.23% interest

Approved February 2024 bills and salaries totaling $11,381,426.05

Approved the revised salary for summer learning and reading camps and Districtwide simmer school for credit recovery for certified staff and nurses to be paid their current regular base hourly rate of pay

Approved CATA to sell or dispose of the following equipment:

  • Culinary Arts Serving Table
  • Culinary Vollrath Mobile Serving Table
  • Welding Scotchman Iron Worker
  • Auto Service Hunter Alignment Machine
  • Auto Service DSP Balancing Machine
  • Auto Service Lift Alignment 4 Post
  • Collision Repair Paint Booth
  • Collision Repair Cadillac

Approved request for CCBOE Maintenance Department to act as general contractor on Vinemont Elementary West Wing HVAC upgrades

Approved request from the Cullman County Education Association for half-day professional leave for members to attend PR&R on April 26. CCEA will pay for substitutes. Members attending include:

  • Connie Hilton
  • Jennifer James
  • Marlene Hancock
  • Carol Cline
  • Ginger Hogeland
  • Lynn Bradford

The Superintendent’s Report closed the meeting with important information and dates shared and reiterated by Barnette.

Kindergarten registration dates are as follows:

  • April 16- Harmony
  • April 17- Parkside
  • April 18- Welti
  • April 23- Cold Springs
  • April 24- Fairview
  • April 25- Good Hope Primary
  • April 30-Hanceville
  • May 1- Holly Pond
  • May 2- Vinemont
  • May 7- West Point

The fourth nine weeks report cards go home on April 19.

Cullman County Schools graduations will take place Friday through Sunday, May 17-19

Friday May 17

  • 7 p.m.- Child Development Center

Saturday May 18

  • 10 a.m.- Hanceville
  • Noon- Cold Springs
  • 2 p.m.- Good Hope
  • 4 p.m.- Holly Pond
  • 6 p.m.- Fairview

Sunday May 19

  • 2 p.m.- Vinemont
  • 4 p.m.- West Point

The next CCBOE regularly scheduled work session will be on Monday, May 20, at 3:30 p.m. The meeting will immediately follow the work session.

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