Good Hope City Council awards bid for wastewater treatment plant expansion

The Good Hope City Council awarded a bid to Apel Machine & Supply for its wastewater treatment plant expansion project Monday night. (Nick Griffin/The Cullman Tribune)

GOOD HOPE, Ala. – Good Hope’s City Council held its first April meeting at Good Hope City Hall Monday night and they took the next step in their wastewater treatment plant expansion project. Bids for the project were received and opened on April 4 and Canyon Engineering recommended the low base bid submitted by Apel Machine and Supply Company, Inc. for $3,322,343.00.

Canyon Engineering also recommended an alternate bid submitted by Apel Machine and Supply that includes an additional $164,000 to replace the plant’s backup generator. The Council voted to award the bid to Apel Machine and Supply for a total of $3,486,343.00. The majority of the funds for the project will come from a $2.3 million Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) grant that the city received last fall.

As they do each year, the Council also approved two $225 contributions for a pair of local students to travel to and participate in The American Legion Auxiliary’s Boys and Girls state programs at Troy University this summer. The American Legion Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Girls State are summer leadership and citizenship programs for high school juniors, which focus on exploring the mechanics of American government and politics. The programs are sponsored by the American Legion (AL) and the American Legion Auxiliary (ALA) respectively.

After approving a $5,000 payment for Wallace State’s Future Foundation Scholarship, the council approved the route for Good Hope High School’s Volleyball Team’s 5K and 1-Mile Raider Run fundraiser coming up May 4.

The Good Hope City Council will hold its next meeting at Good Hope City Hall April 22.

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