CULLMAN, Ala, – St. Paul’s Lutheran School will add a new seventh-grade class beginning in fall 2024.
According to the St. Paul’s Lutheran School website, “Our mission at St. Paul’s Lutheran School is twofold: cultivating the mind and nourishing the soul. The liberal arts cultivate the mind and character of our students by focusing on what is good, true, and beautiful. The soul is nourished through the Holy Scriptures, the Lutheran confessions, and the liturgy and hymnody of the Church. This is what defines a Classical Lutheran Education: the liberal arts with Lutheran catechesis.”
Headmaster Richard Gaub shared, “(sic) We offer daily Bible instruction and we have chapel every day for the students. We start our day in church every day. We teach the children the Lord’s Prayer, the Liturgy, the hymns of the church; they learn Bible verses by heart.”
Gaub said he feels that chapel is the best and most important part of the students’ day. He said starting the day with fellowship and sermons sets the tone for receiving instruction and lessons and showcases the integrated curriculum that St. Paul’s is able to offer the community.
“We teach everything with a Christian worldview. In our circumstance here, we are currently preschool through sixth grade, hopefully seventh and eighth grade after that. We are mainly focused on the grammar stage: grammar and logic,” he said. “A classical curriculum is an education centered on the verbal arts. The grammar stage is kind of the ‘what’ stage of learning.”
Gaub said students in the grammar stage are naturally inquisitive and absorb virtually any material set before them. The memorization tactics are designed to help the youngsters retain names, dates, times and important religious material to help them speak about, share and defend any stance they choose when they finally graduate into adulthood. The basics of science, mathematics, literature, history, Latin, physical education, handwriting, English and reading are all taught with the utmost care while integrating the teachings of Christ into each subject’s curriculum.
Registration for St. Paul’s Lutheran School is now open. Visit the school’s website at stpaulscullman.com for tuition rates and enrollment information or contact the school at 256-734-6580. The school is located at 510 Third Ave. SE.
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