The Alabama Department of Transportation is continuing work to fix numerous potholes that appeared on Alabama highways following January’s winter storm. Though patching operations may cause temporary delays for motorists, the repairs will help ensure smoother and safer travel.
Paving operations on I-65 in Morgan County will resume this week
ALDOT is making more extensive and enduring repairs to some hard-hit segments of major routes, including I-65 in Morgan County.
In recent weeks, crews milled sections of the damaged road surface and then replaced it by paving long patches with hot mix asphalt. ALDOT’s Tuscumbia Area paving crew assisted the local district with the repairs, which had to be performed during daytime. Nighttime temperatures have been too low for paving.
Paving operations on I-65 in Morgan County will resume this week, weather permitting. Crews will pave parts of both lanes from mile marker 330 near the Bethel Road overpass in Hartselle to Exit 328 at Thompson Road on Wednesday, March 6, and the southbound right lane just north of Exit 322 at CR-55 in Falkville on Thursday, March 7. Please expect lane closures from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days.
This segment of I-65 was last resurfaced in 2015 and is anticipated to be resurfaced again in 2025. In preparation for the future resurfacing, Materials & Tests crews drilled for samples and performed pavement testing last week. Please expect additional coring to take place March 11through March 13. The drill crew will be working from mile marker 315 near Hurricane Creek in Cullman County, through Morgan County to mile marker 339, north of the Tennessee River Bridge in Limestone County. Please expect intermittent lane closures in both directions between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. daily.