ALDOT performing drilling and testing on I-65 this week


HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – In preparation for future resurfacing of Interstate 65 in Morgan County and parts of Limestone and Cullman counties, Alabama Department of Transportation crews are performing drilling and testing this week, weather permitting.

Motorists are advised to expect intermittent lane closures from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. daily through Friday, March 1, at various locations on the northbound and southbound roadways between mile marker 315, near Hurricane Creek in Cullman County to mile marker 339, north of the Tennessee River Bridges, in Limestone County.

Projects to resurface this segment of I-65 are currently scheduled to be let in 2025.  

The first full week in March, weather permitting, ALDOT plans to resume maintenance paving on I-65 to complete repairs to potholes resulting from January’s winter storm. The remaining work is anticipated to take about one week.