FAITH: SHE Collective at Daystar Church

The SHE Collective, a small group of women from Daystar Church, meets once a month to delve deeper into the Word with a womanly twist. (Stephanie Wood)

Daystar Church is providing a new biblical outlook in one of its small groups – one  specifically geared toward women seeking to be closer to God while encouraging others. The small group, dubbed SHE Collective, is a gathering of godly women that began small and quickly expanded.

“Probably six years ago, I had a calling that God placed on my heart for women’s ministry,” said one of the SHE Collective’s organizers, Stephanie Wood. “I wasn’t sure how it would come to fruition, but I had that deep longing to connect on a spiritual level with other like-minded women. I started SHE Collective as a Facebook page where I would post encouraging and uplifting things.”

After a family crisis, Wood’s SHE Collective was forced to take a backseat to her own issues and walk with grief. A few years later, a mutual friend put Wood in touch with Haley May, another Daystar member, who also had a strong pull toward women’s ministry. Together, they spoke with leadership at their church and decided to open a small group and test the waters. At the first gathering, neither May nor Wood held hope for a large turnout, but nearly 160 women packed the group: the SHE Collective was born.

At the monthly group, May and Wood try to center and focus the lessons and scripture specifically to battles that women face.

Wood explained, “We started this for women – women from every background, education level, every walk of life. We want as many women as we can get together to come and worship collectively.” The next SHE Collective meeting will be Monday, Feb. 26, in the lobby of Daystar Church at 6 p.m.

SHE Collective meets monthly at Daystar Church, located at 200 Daystar Drive in Good Hope. Meeting dates are not regular but are always published on SHE Collective’s Facebook page. Interested attendees can text “she” to 84576 to receive regular meeting updates.

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