WEST POINT, Ala. – The West Point Band Boosters are kicking into gear this week and preparing for a crowd. The 41st annual Stars and Stripes Rodeo will take place March 1-2. The event is the main fundraiser for the school’s band program.
Held at the Cullman County Agricultural Trade Center, located at 17645 U.S. Highway 31, the rodeo is expected to follow in the footsteps of years past and turn out an excellent crowd for an excellent time, all supporting an excellent cause.
“Last year was our 40th anniversary and we made changes to improve the show and (now) have great contestants competing for cash payouts. People have a misconception that since it is to benefit the West Point band, it is an amateur event, but they are professionals,” said Sheila Taylor, co-chair of the West Point Stars and Stripes Rodeo Committee. “The event brought us an award for one of the top five indoor rodeos in the nation. It was a great honor and we plan to build on that success this year.”
Famed announcer Jeff Lucas will lend his voice to the event. Other special guests scheduled to pop in are Tyler Torrey, Michael “Goobie” Smith and Dakota Brown.
Traditional rodeo events will be the main draw, but the boosters have other fun family events planned to please the crowd like Mutton Bustin’, the Calf Scramble, raffles, a 50/50 draw that will occur nightly and the ever-exciting Miss West Point Rodeo Queen Pageant.
Miss West Point Rodeo Queen’s duties don’t end at the Stars and Stripes Rodeo, as its competition is part of the Rodeo Pageant Circuit. The winner will get the chance to advance to higher rounds, eventually a national level.
Taylor beamed, “We have eight categories or titles and the winners. Once crowned (the winner will) tour to other rodeos throughout the year representing our rodeo. In the past we have had several of our queens go on to compete and win the Miss Rodeo USA.”
The 41st annual Stars and Stripes Rodeo will take place March 1-2, 2024, at the Cullman County Agricultural Trade Center located at 17645 U.S. Highway 31. Admission will be $15 per adult, $10 per child ages 6-10 and children younger than 6 will be admitted free. Gates open at 5 p.m., with the main event beginning at 7. Get more info at www.facebook.com/westpointwarriorbandrodeo.
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