Pre-registration open for CCPS Pre-K program

(Cullman City Schools)

CULLMAN, Ala. – Pre-registration is officially open for the Alabama First Class Pre-K program at Cullman City Primary School for the 2024-2025 school year.

The program is open to children who are 4 years old (not yet 5) on or before Sept. 1, 2024. Students must live within Cullman City limits and must be fully toilet-trained. Students will be taught by a certified teacher following a kindergarten readiness curriculum, and participation allows for a smoother transition to kindergarten the following year.

Required documents for enrollment include a completed registration form, a current utility bill (to serve as proof of residency), and a birth certificate. Upon acceptance, an Alabama immunization form will be required before the start of classes. Tuition ranges from $40 to $300 per month and is based on income level.

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