Files from yesteryear: 1950

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of 1950

Arthur Jack Hyatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hyatt of Cullman graduated with honors from Florence State Teachers College.

Mrs. A.F. Young received a telegram last Friday that her son, Corporal David R. Young, 19, is missing in action.

Sergeant Milton Wilhite was injured severely in Korea. He is in a hospital in Japan. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilhite.

Four trucks collided on Guntersville Road, near the Cullman Stockyard, on Monday night. The trucks and Theo Smith’s tomato patch were badly damaged, but the occupants are okay.

Seedless grapes are on sale at A and P for 17 cents per pound. Ad.

A wiener roast was held at Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Campbell’s home on Saturday at Bethany.

Some ponds in the Berlin Community have lost all the fish because of cotton poisoning in surrounding fields.

Doc Knight of Cullman visited his father, Mr. E.T. Knight, at Valley Grove on Sunday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Ova Calvert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Daniel of Duck River attended the Calvert reunion on Sunday.

The Gold Ridge baseball team defeated Baileyton, 12 to 1 last Saturday.

Eidson Chapel residents, attending the baptizing at New Hope on Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Lovell, Mr. and Mrs. Ossie Pitts and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lovell.

Mrs. C.C. Quick of California is visiting relatives here and attending revival services at Ledocia.

Gurley Benefield of New Harmony is building a dairy barn.

Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Duke of Vinemont are the proud parents of a son, Freddie Lamar, born on August 11.

Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Day of Good Hope are the proud parents of a son, Steven Malcolm, on August 12.

Those completing the Red Cross Home Nursing Course include Mesdames W.B. Howard, Marvin Patton, L.G. Andrews, Henry Wood, W.T. Chandler, W.E. Bradley, W.T. Holmes, Elsie Robinson, Cordis Tubbs, Carl Phillips and Asa Blalock.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Keller have returned home after spending time in Gadsden with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Keller and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Basenberg.