Files from yesteryear: 1901, 1954

(files from yesteryear)

From the files of 1901

W.F. Reese, of Joppa, killed two snakes in his hay field last week. One was 5 feet,

5 inches long, with 11 rattlers and the other was 4 feet, 6 inches long with 12 rattlers.

J.D. Edwards has accepted the position as buyer for the Cullman Cotton Company.

The Honorable Will G. Brown arrived home from Boulder, Colorado, on Monday.

Doctor and Mrs. B.M. Kinney left on Tuesday for Nashville, to attend the Elks Carnival.

Mrs. E.M. Kelley returned on Thursday from a three week visit to Texas.

J.B. Brown was in Athens and Decatur on business this week.

Eron Wallace has accepted a position with A. Dreher and Company.

Frank Arndt is attending the Exposition in Buffalo.

Miss Mattie Scott, of Falkville, is visiting her brother, William Scott.

Jacob, George, Charles and Miss Mary Graf left this week to visit the Exposition in Buffalo.

Mrs. D.M. Henderson has returned from Milton, Florida.

Zeke Casey was in town on Tuesday enroute to Nashville.

Miss Fannie Bandman, of Birmingham, has been the guest of Miss Laura McMinn.

Miss Julia Bauer and Miss Louise Birnbaum left on Tuesday for Cincinnati.

Misses Lowella, Corna and Ruby Hanlin returned to school, at Tuscaloosa Female College, on Wednesday.

J.W. Slason, former citizen of the Dominion of Canada, has purchased the Goodwin property, west of the city and has arrived here to live.

The beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. Nic Stoll was thrown open to a large circle of friends on Saturday evening, at Vinemont. Dainty refreshments were served and dancing indulged in with music furnished by Professors Klenck and Lightwood.

From the files of 1954 

Laminack Family Reunion

The Laminack family had its annual reunion on September 6, at Sportsman Lake.

Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Laminack, Mrs. Jack Stisher, Mrs. Andy Moore, from Crossville, Tennessee, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jenkins, Mary Ann and Billy, of Cleveland, Georgia, Mrs. Hazel Parker, Rayford, Helen, Brenda, June and Myna, of Borden Springs, Randall Parker, Wilburn Laminack and Robert Laminack, of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. S.E. Moore, of Decatur, Georgia, Clyde Laminack and Arthur, of Bainbridge, Georgia, Grady Laminack and Miss Bessie Cain, of Muscadine, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Laminack, of Fruithurst, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brantley and Mrs. Lula Lacy, of Leeds, Mr. and Mrs. Colon Clemmons, Bill, Linda and Randy, of Bessemer, Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Laminack, Jane, Jack, Susan, Sara and John, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Laminack and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Laminack, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McCullay, of Birmingham, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Whitaker and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Price, of Hanceville, Mrs. Carl Laminack, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Laminack, Pat and James, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Laminack, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Drake and Rickey, Joe Laminack, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hacker, Mrs. M.T. Parker and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Trammel, Dewell, Douglas, Shelba, Donald, Danny and Sandra, all in and around Cullman.