BERLIN, Ala. – Local families and children were lined up before 7 a.m. Saturday, Dec 9, for the Berlin Volunteer Fire Department’s annual Pancakes with Santa breakfast. Flashing lights from a BVFD vehicle blinked in the early morning fog, marking the driveway entrance to the Berlin Community Center, the hub of each year’s event.
Laughter and chatter could be heard before entering the building, almost enough to distract one from the delicious scent and sounds of sizzling bacon wafting around a fire engine parked outside. A weather-proof tarp hanging from the side protected the event’s real MVPs: three Blackstone Griddles. Preparing pancakes for a large crowd is one thing, but preparing over 1,200 pancakes for a community is a whole new ballgame. Each attendee received two pancakes and two strips of bacon, along with a generously sized sausage patty. Pepsi products were plentiful, leaving guests wanting for little as they devoured their feasts.
“We actually bought three new Blackstone Griddles for this event,” said the BVFD’s Shelby Teichmiller. “The first two years without them, we begged, borrowed and pleaded to borrow friends’ and family’s Blackstones so we could do this, so we knew we would need them this year.”
As famished attendees filed in, many making monetary donations in exchange for their plates, the hosting first responders were tasked with manning the griddles, while the department’s auxiliary, mostly comprised of firefighters’ wives and community members dressed in festive sweaters and Christmas hats, dished up plates.
Santa popped in and jingle-jangled his way around the crowd, stopping to let small children know that he’d been watching, and that he was looking forward to delivering their presents soon. Children giggled and ran to his lap, eager to spill their Christmas list secrets, holding onto the magical innocence of Christmas for at least one more season.
Saturday’s breakfast was a fundraising event for the BVFD, which, through working with local schools in Welti, Holly Pond and Fairview, sponsors children from those communities in need and give them a Christmas to remember. The children will all receive a new pair of shoes, socks, underwear and up to five “wish list” items. A gift card for household items and groceries will also be given to each child’s family.
Said Teichmiller, “We really saw a need in the community, especially from Welti schools, for kids needing assistance with Christmas, and families in general. We started three years ago; we reach out to the counselors of the three schools in our area and see if there’s a need for any kids that may have missed any cutoffs for other programs.”
All proceeds from the yearly fundraiser go toward this initiative. Teichmiller revealed the department has already received a few large donations from philanthropic locals.
“All of what we raise today will go towards grocery gift cards for these families,” she said. “We are blown away each year by the support we get from the community. This is our gift to them.”
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