CULLMAN, Ala. – October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Victim Services of Cullman (VSOC) is hosting its inaugural Walk a Mile in Their Shoes event Saturday, Oct. 28.
VSOC is attempting to raise awareness for domestic violence and flood the streets of Cullman with purple. Registration is free and begins at 9:30 a.m., with the walk commencing at 10, leaving from VSOC at 310 Third Ave. NE. Participants are encouraged to arrive decked out in purples and plums; materials will be provided for walkers to create signs to carry during the walk, emblazoned with facts and information about domestic violence.
VSOC Executive Director Carol Horstman said, “…We want to end the month with a family-friendly activity that not only raises community awareness, but also shows survivors they are supported.”
Horstman and her staff work tirelessly around the clock to help one the community’s most vulnerable populations – domestic violence victims and survivors.
“Domestic abuse is more than just physical or sexual violence,” she explained. “Domestic violence is a pattern of behavior in a relationship that is used to gain or maintain power and control over another person.”
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) reports that one in three women and one in four men have experienced some form of physical violence from an intimate partner and that an astounding 95% of individuals who abuse their partner physically, also abuse them psychologically. Many have trouble coming forward as a victim of psychological abuse; abusers tear down their victims to diminish their confidence and self-esteem. The National Domestic Violence Hotline says that survivors of domestic violence are six times more likely to develop substance abuse disorders and are four times more likely to attempt suicide than their peers who suffered no abuse.
Speaking about survivors and their stories may be uncomfortable, but the stories must be told.
Said Horstman, “The more we bring these issues out into the open, the more likely victims will feel safe enough to come forward and ask for help. Help is available.”
Horstman said she wants the community to know VSOC is there to help.
“For safe shelter, to schedule counseling and court advocacy services, or for more information, call Victim Services 24-hr Crisis Line – 256-734-6100,” she said. “All services are confidential and offered at no cost to victims or their family members.”
Victim Services of Cullman is located at 310 Third Ave. NE. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Reach the administrative office at 256-775-2600 or get more information at www.victimservices.online.
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