VINEMONT, Ala. – Teachers, faculty and students at Vinemont Elementary School were recognized on Oct. 17 for their dedication and commitment to ensuring all children in their school are able to read at or above their current grade level before they leave third grade. Vinemont Elementary was one of 12 schools across the state recognized as an Alabama Science of Reading Spotlight School by the Alabama Reading Initiative.
Schools and students were evaluated based on two consecutive years of ACAP scores in Reading and English Language Arts, along with considerations for how scores have improved in that time as well as their commitment to meeting and exceeding the Alabama Literacy Act’s requirements.
The Resolution reads as follows:
“WHEREAS, the Alabama Reading Initiative recognizes schools that have demonstrated a strong commitment to foundational literacy for Alabama’s K-3 learners; and
WHEREAS, these schools demonstrate commitment to the components aligned with the Science of Reading as outlined in the Alabama Literacy Act; utilizing explicit, systematic, and differentiated reading instruction and interventions with extensive opportunities for practice, based on student need, for all students including those exhibiting characteristics of dyslexia; and
WHEREAS, the leadership in these schools work alongside the school’s local reading specialist and teachers to deepen their understanding of the science of reading by fully participating in professional learning such as Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS); and
WHEREAS, the science of reading is considered an integral part of the educational processes to prevent and remediate reading difficulties for the purpose of ensuring all students read at or above grade level by the end of third grade; and
WHEREAS, data is utilized to monitor individual student reading progress, make necessary instructional adjustments, and provide additional instructional opportunities such as Tier III reading intervention, summer reading camp, and before/after school tutoring; and
WHEREAS, these schools have demonstrated reading growth in their third-grade outcome data that exceeds the average third grade reading growth of the state of Alabama; and
WHEREAS, the Alabama Reading Initiative recognizes these schools as 2022- 2023 Science of Reading Spotlight Schools, with the goal of highlighting effective structures and practices across the state of Alabama:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Alabama State Board of Education does hereby commend the professional accomplishments of these schools who have been able to demonstrate reading growth based on their outcome data and replicable actions from their community of invested stakeholders, that they are Science of Reading Spotlight Schools in 2022-2023.”
Students assembled in the gym and Cullman County Schools Superintendent Dr. Shane Barnette took to the mic to speak directly to them, stating, “Today we’re here at Vinemont Elementary because we are celebrating not only our students in the stands, but all of our teachers and faculty. Vinemont Elementary has been highlighted as an ARI Spotlight School in the state of Alabama. You are one of the top 14 schools (12 schools and two school districts) in the entire state of Alabama, so we want to celebrate with you guys!”
The Alabama State Department of Education shows that 86% of second graders and a whopping 94% of third graders at Vinemont Elementary are reading at or above their grade level. Teacher Kim Brown understands how hard the students worked to achieve those high numbers. Addressing the entire gymnasium of grade-schoolers, Brown spoke directly to them, saying, “All of you earned this honor. You should be very proud. You should go home and tell your parents what a great job you’ve done, because you all earned this award. Congratulations!”
Barnette arranged a congratulatory sweet treat for the assembly: a cake for teachers and faculty, and a freshly made chocolate chip cookie for each student. Barnette spilled the beans to the students and joked to the teachers, “Every student in here gets a cookie to eat on the way back to class. Sorry teachers!”
In 2024, the Spotlight Schools and districts will host officials and educators from around the state, in an attempt to share new methods and innovative approaches to increasing literacy skills in elementary-aged children.
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