ADMH: September is National Recovery Month


MONTGOMERY, Ala. – September is National Recovery Month and the Alabama Department of Mental Health (ADMH), the Division of Mental Health and Substance Use Treatment Services and our community partners raise awareness and educate individuals and families through information and events to show the importance of substance use treatment, substance disorders and recovery, as well as to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices.

ADMH values all individuals within Alabama’s recovery community and strives to increase knowledge, compassion, and connections that cultivates recovery and resilience. Through Recovery Month, individuals can become more aware and able to recognize the signs of substance use disorders and encourages people in need of recovery services to seek help.

National Recovery Month reminds us that Recovery is for Everyone: Every Person. Every Family. Every Community. Through reducing barriers and creating an inclusive space, we can decrease the stigma associated with individuals receiving treatment for substance use disorders or mental health conditions.

ADMH recognizes the dedicated and committed professionals and service providers who provide prevention, treatment, and support services. Finding a local provider is simple and easy through the ADMH Directory of Providers. Also, find support with substance use recovery partners such as The Recovery Organization of Support Specialists (R.O.S.S.) and People Engaged in Recovery (P.E.I.R.).

Everyone’s recovery process is distinct and unique. Utilizing a reversal medication, such as naloxone, can facilitate the transition to a path of recovery. To assist in this endeavor, the Jefferson County Department of Health and ADMH have collaborated to provide free kits and training on the use of naloxone to the public, first responders, and law enforcement. Get the lifesaving, free training here.

ADMH is also a partner in the “Odds Are” campaign in partnership with VitAL Alabama to address the fentanyl epidemic through education, real-life stories and information on the availability of free opioid overdose reversal medications.

Through a collaboration with the Alabama Department of Public Health and VitAL Alabama, ADMH provides Connect Alabama, an app that is a behavioral health services and treatment finder application that provides individuals with instant access to education, information and services related to substance use, mental health, and prevention. The app is available for download on iOS through the App Store and for Android devices via Google Play.