Cullman City Council hears update on 2023 Strawberry Festival

Blues Traveler to headline event

Music fans at a previous Cullman Strawberry Festival (Cullman Parks, Recreation & Sports Tourism)

CULLMAN, Ala. – With the approaching warmer weather will come one of Cullman’s favorite events: the Strawberry Festival is scheduled for May 6. Cullman Parks, Recreation & Sports Tourism Executive Director Nathan Anderson at this week’s meeting of the Cullman City Council provided an update on the event that welcomed over 25,000 attendees from 12 states in 2022. 

This year’s festival will grow to two stages, with the main stage in the back of Depot Park and the other, where local bands and musicians will be featured, on the north side of Festhalle. On the main stage this year, Tim Montana and Parmalee will get things started before headliner Blues Traveler takes the stage. Tickets are available for seats closest to the stage, with VIP tickets (including T-shirt) selling for $75 and general admission tickets (behind VIP) costing $25. All other areas will be free, as in previous years. 

Mayor Woody Jacobs gave an update on infrastructure upgrades along Warnke Road and said the work is anticipated to be completed by April 1. 

Cullman Community Theatre Operations Director Noah Carpenter presented the council with tickets for the upcoming performance of “Steel Magnolias,” noting that late Councilman Andy Page was one of the theater’s biggest supporters. Each year, a chair sits empty at the council table reserved for Coach Page, whose absence has been felt by the entire community since his passing in January 2022. 

Recovery Organization of Support Specialists (R.O.S.S.) Director of Marketing Mark Litvine shared with the council about the organization’s new outreach in Cullman. R.O.S.S. provides free recovery resources, including assessments and transportation. 

A public hearing for Resolution 2023-17 for the vacation and surplus of a portion of Twelfth Way NW and Twelfth Street NW was held with no one speaking for or against the measure. 

In other business, the following resolutions were approved: 

  • Resolution 2023-17 for the vacation and surplus of a portion of 12th Way Northwest and 12th  Street Northwest, which is no longer needed for public or municipal purposes 
  • Resolution 2023-23 to award bid for Derby Creek Sewer Rehabilitation to the lowest responsible bidder, Apel Machine & Supply Company Inc., for the base bid amount of $503,000 
  • Resolution 2023-24 to award bid for Class III B wall pipe to the lowest responsible bidder, Foley Products Company, in the amount of $64,888 
  • Resolution 2023-25 to approve a tax abatement for Project Redesign (a major addition to an existing facility with a capital investment of $66 million) 
  • Resolution 2023-26 to amend the City of Cullman position control detail to remove and add positions in the garage and police department 

The first reading of the following ordinances were heard: 

  • Ordinance No. 2023-15 to annex property owned by the North Alabama Agriplex located at 1711 Talley Ho St. as AG-1 Agricultural District 
  • Ordinance No. 2023-16 to annex properties owned by K & P Land, LLC located on County Road 1402 as R-1 Residential District 
  • Ordinance No. 2023-17 to annex property owned by Judy Broadstreet and Sharon Sullivan located at 48 County Road 1474 as AG-1 Agricultural District