BREMEN, Ala. – Rocking with the Eagles, a concert and spaghetti dinner fundraiser for Cold Springs schools’ band programs, is set to take place on Thursday, Feb. 9 from 6-9 p.m. in the school’s downstairs gym.
With the change in the economy and soaring inflation, school band programs are struggling financially and are looking for creative ways to raise money for their programs. That’s where Nortricia Starnes, the event sponsor and a low brass mom, came in.
Starnes said, “We hope this becomes a fundraiser that continues to grow and showcase local artists and our band members for years to come.”
Doors open at 5:30 p.m., and according to Starnes the campus will be bustling with activity as the Varsity Girls’ Area Playoffs are being hosted in the Jesse George Gym.
“The silent auction area will have over 30 baskets and items available for bidding, ranging from gift cards to a custom-made cigar box guitar signed by the maker and Jesse Priest, who will also perform at the beginning of the concert” she said.
The dinner will begin with a performance of the national anthem by one of the senior band members, followed by the band and Jesse Priest Music performing “Amazing Grace” and “Sweet Caroline.” The dinner will be served, and door prizes will be given away during breaks. Starnes said the 50/50 raffle and silent auction will end at 8 p.m., and shortly afterward the winners will be announced.
Starnes emphasized the importance of community support for events like Rocking with the Eagles.
“Take a break from cooking and where else can you get a meal with live entertainment for $15! It will be a fun night with great food, amazing music and fellowship with family and friends,” she said.
Tickets are $15 each, or groups can purchase a table for $125 to ensure they are seated together. To-go plates will be available from 3-5:30 p.m. for $10 each. A pre-game dinner will be available before the playoff game at 6.
Said Starnes, “The funds raised will help the band members with their spring trip and fees for the upcoming year, as well as provide equipment for the new concession stand and cover other expenses related to the band.”
She praised the staff at the school as being instrumental in making the event a success, with special thanks to Principal Eric Dickerson, Lunchroom Manager Tonya Ballenger, Consumer Science Instructor Stephanie Blair and Bookkeeper Joy Kilgo, among others.
“We’ve challenged our beginning and high school band to sell out! When this happens, our band director and bus driver will shave their beards,” she said. “I’ll introduce everyone to these never-seen-before faces at the beginning of the night. The event promises to be a night of great food, amazing music and a chance to support the band program. Don’t miss ‘Rocking with the Eagles!’”