They came, they saw, they plunged

Brave souls, young and old, made a splash at Cullman Parks, Recreation & Sports Tourism’s annual Polar Bear Plunge Saturday, Jan. 21, 2023. (Amy Leonard for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – The outdoor swimming pool at Cullman’s WildWater was circled by over 100 people donned in swimwear and ready to take the leap despite the temperature being in the 40s and the calendar saying January. The moods ranged from excitement to anxiety to dread as the jumpers readied for Cullman Parks, Recreation & Sports Tourism’s annual Polar Bear Plunge on Saturday, Jan. 21. 

Some had second thoughts at the last minute and opted to watch as the big splash commenced, while on the other end of the spectrum, some chose to stay in the frigid pool long after the jump. Regardless of which choice was made, the commonalities were the laughter and smiles among friends and strangers. In the end, the camaraderie was evident. 

Some jumped for the thrill while others jumped for the opportunity to win memberships to the  
Cullman Wellness and Aquatic Center (CWAC) or WildWater Waterpark. Emily Crocker was the winner of the CWAC family membership, and Les Jenkins won the WildWater Waterpark family season pass. 

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