Cullman City Council recognizes sanitation department

Cullman City Hall (Amy Leonard for The Cullman Tribune)

CULLMAN, Ala. – At the Cullman City Council’s Monday meeting, Councilman Johnny Cook recognized the City of Cullman Sanitation Department for its growth in “leaps and bounds in our recycling program,” which earned the Alabama People Against a Littered State (PALS) Governor’s Award.  

Said Cook, “We’re really proud of their accomplishments and where they’re going.” 

Cullman Parks, Recreation & Sports Tourism Executive Director Nathan Anderson was introduced by Councilman Clint Hollingsworth, and a video highlighting last weekend’s Christmas in Cullman Christmas Parade and Tree Lighting was shown.  Anderson encouraged the public to visit the Christkindlmarkt Dec. 9-11 at Festhalle where there will be food and vendors and merchandise with “a German theme shining through.”  

In other business, the council approved the following: 

  • To set a public hearing on Jan. 9, 2023, at 7 p.m. to rezone Lot 2 of Bark-ley Plumbing Contractors property located on the corner of Bolte Road and Old Hanceville Highway from M-2 Manufacturing to B-2 Business District 
  • A special event request from Philip Frappaolo of Sacred Heart Church for the annual Our Lady of Guadalupe parade from St. Bernard Abbey to Sacred Heart School on Dec. 10, 2022, at 5 p.m. 
  • A special event request from Rickey Foster Jr. for a block party on Poplar Drive on Dec. 18, 2022, from 5-8 p.m. 
  • A special event request from Kari Driver of Cullman Christian School for the annual Good Friday 5K on Friday, April 7, 2023, from 7 a.m.-noon 
  • Appoint David Nassetta as Cullman police chief 
  • Award a bid for black and gray pipe to Bear Concrete Products, the lowest responsible bidder 
  • Award a bid for RCP pipe for the CDBG project at Warnke Road to Foley Products Company, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder 
  • First reading of Ordinance No. 2023-10 to enter into franchise agreement with the Cullman Electric Cooperative for Sprout Fiber Internet in the city limits of Cullman 

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