Files from yesteryear: 1954


From the files of 1954 

The residence of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jones was completely destroyed by fire on Saturday.  

Bobby McClendon, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.M. McClendon has been named Good Citizenship boy at Cullman High School. Margaret Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emma Jones was named Good Citizenship girl.  

The recent winner of the Cullman County Rural Improvement Program was the Grandview Community. Those attending the state dinner in Birmingham on Monday night were: Asa Blalock – president, Henry Mobley -vice president, Mrs. J.C. Mobley -secretary, H.G. Pinkston -County Agent and Mrs. Mary Sue Tillery -Home Demonstration Agent.  

Judith Kay and Fritz Gable have the chicken pox at Walter.  

Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Sinyard, of Guthery’s Crossroads, traveled to Mobile to visit their daughter Kathleen (Mrs. Kermit Bailey) and to Biloxi, Mississippi to visit another daughter Martha Jo (Mrs. C.J. McMurry – Airman Second Class).  

Pine Hill Farm, the 160-acre farm belonging to Joe C. Sapp, was last week’s mystery farm. The first person to identify it was Mrs. Grover Wood. The next three were Charles Waldrop, Bud Crawford and Isabell Abbott. Mr. Sapp bought the farm, located on Route One, Cullman, in the Grandview Community, nine years ago, from Hane Windsor. It was settled in 1885 and for years was known as the Howard Farm. Mr. Sapp chose its name because of a 60-acre hillside covered with pine trees. Purebred Guernsey cattle and grade A milk are produced on the farm. It has a 95-acre permanent pasture, which has been planted, fertilized and maintained in cooperation with the Soil Conservation Service and help of the County Agent. Mr. Sapp has the only airplane landing field in this section. He has his own plane, which he keeps there. He lets the public use his field.  

The owner of Pine Hill Farm is a director of the Alabama Guernsey Cattle Club and Cullman County Guernsey Cattle Club, member of H.D.L.A., Farm Bureau and Rotary Club. He is a Methodist, Mason and Shriner. Living on the Sapp Farm are Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Brown, who have four children, John Wayne, Dorothy, Janice and Dale.  

Funeral services for Doctor J.C. Gladney, 59, who had practiced medicine in Walker County for the past 31 years, were held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the First Methodist Church in Jasper. The Reverend Tillman Sprouse and the Reverend Hallmark officiated.