‘Jason’s legacy will live on’

Jason McCollum with sister Krystal Wright

Clarification: Due to conflicting information, Jason McCollum’s status is unclear at this time.  

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. –Jason McCollum, 49, is a Cullman man who fought a valiant 15-month-long battle against COVID-19 and its aftereffects. 

A post shared on social media by Tracie Shadeck on behalf of his wife, Winafred McCollum, said: 

Jason suffered a devastating neurological event after his surgery that he could just not come back from.  

Jason’s legacy will live on….  

It’s going to live on in the recipients of his organ donations…. 

It’s going to live on in Winafred… 

It’s going to live on in his three boys…. 

It’s going to live on in his family…. 

And friends… 

And his testimony… 

It’s going to live on in Cullman and beyond… 

His legacy will live on in all the nurses, doctors, and medical staff….  

It will live on in everyone that learned about him through social media.  

When arrangements are made, we will get the posted.  

Please keep praying for the family as this is such a difficult time but we are going to celebrate Jason’s life. Keep his future donors in mind as he gets to share the gift of organ donation with future recipients. Also please be respectful of the family and their time with each other right now. 

Winafred loves each of you, she has appreciated all the prayers, texts, and phone calls.  


Initially hospitalized for COVID-19 in July 2021, McCollum spent the last 15 months fighting for his life after the virus ravaged his lungs, leaving him dependent first on a ventilator and then on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). ECMO is typically used for a matter of days or weeks, but for McCollum, it was a staggering 14-plus months.  McCollum underwent a double lung and heart transplant on Friday, Oct. 28.  

Please join us in thoughts and prayers for McCollum’s wife, Winafred, his three sons and his family and friends as they mend their broken hearts. 

Arrangements will be provided when available. 

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