Hanceville City Council honors local historian Norman Boone

Hanceville Historical Preservation Commission members Margie Burkhardt and Pam Reed, Hanceville Mayor Kenneth Nail, Norman Boone and Hanceville Mayor Pro Tem Jimmy Sawyer are seen Thursday, Oct. 13, 2022. (Amy Leonard for The Cullman Tribune)

HANCEVILLE, Ala. –  The Hanceville City Council on Thursday honored local historian and Hanceville High School class of 1969’s Norman Boone. Boone single-handedly uploaded Hanceville High School’s yearbooks from 1948 through 2018 to the internet, ensuring the school’s online footprint for generations to come. The yearbooks can be viewed at www.hancevilleyearbooks.webs.com.  

Brenda Carter of the Hanceville Civitan Club requested the usual street closures for Saturday, Dec. 3, and sponsorship from the City of Hanceville for the Cullman County Christmas Parade. The council had $250 earmarked in the FY 2023 budget for the parade and approved its use. 

An invoice was approved for the repairs of a fire truck’s main boom lift hydraulic boosters. The Hanceville Fire Department has insufficient funds to cover the entire $7,746 repair and the council voted to cover the remainder of the cost. 

A new city street off Alabama Highway 91, to be named Progress Way Northeast, was approved with the council agreeing to seek funds from the Cullman County Industrial Development Board and the Cullman County Community Development Commission. 

A public hearing was scheduled for Oct. 27 at 5:30 p.m. based on the Alcohol Review Committee’s recommendation to issue a license to the new owners of Lupe’s restaurant. The new owners are required to seek their own alcohol license as the licenses are not site specific. 

The much-discussed heavy hauling ordinance passed after its second reading with Councilwoman Kim Brown being the sole “no” vote. The ordinance was put in place to add another layer of accountability for trucks hauling heavy loads which, in the summer months, damage secondary roads with repeated trips over the same roadways. 

In other business, the following measures passed: 

  • Resolution 665 for hazard mitigation which allows FEMA reimbursement after natural disasters 
  • Reappointment of Shirley Burden to the Historical Preservation Commission for a three-year term 
  • Reappointment of Eddie Burkhardt to the Zoning Board of Adjustment for a three-year term 
  • First introduction of the vacation of Pine Street (Ordinance 650) with no action required 
  • Surplus of two 2021 Chevy Tahoes and the purchase of two 2023 Chevy Tahoes 

Upcoming Hanceville events include:  

Mud Creek Marching Festival- Saturday, Oct. 22, 7 a.m.-10 p.m. 

  • Fall Festival Trunk or Treat- Saturday, Oct. 29, 4-6 p.m. 

The next council meeting will be held at Hanceville City Hall on Thursday, Oct. 27, at 5:30 p.m. The work session will be at 5. 

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