Governor Ivey Announces Another Round of Projects Funded by Rebuild Alabama

    State-Supported Projects Now in all 67 Counties


    MONTGOMERY, Ala. – Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday announced that more than $2.6 million in state funding is being awarded to cities and counties for various road and bridge projects. After only being effective for just under three years, there has been at least one Rebuild Alabama project in all of the state’s 67 counties. This is on top of all of the state and local projects. 

    The funding is made available through the Annual Grant Program, a program created under the Rebuild Alabama Act. The Rebuild Alabama Act, overwhelmingly passed by the Legislature and signed by Governor Ivey in 2019, requires ALDOT to establish an annual program setting aside $10 million off the top of the state’s share of new gas tax revenue for local projects. 

    “I am incredibly proud that Rebuild Alabama has now made road and bridge projects possible in all of our state’s 67 counties,” said Governor Ivey. “Three years ago, I promised the people of Alabama that every single penny would go to road and bridge projects, and we are seeing that the proof is in the pudding. This is a remarkable milestone for our state, and I look forward to furthering these efforts to make Alabama a better place to live, work and raise a family.” 

    There are 11 projects across Alabama receiving funding in the final award under the Annual Grant Program for the 2022 fiscal year. Of those awarded projects, cities and counties also contributed a total of over $1.1 million in local matching funds. Matching funds are not required to be eligible. All projects are required to move forward within one year of the awarding of funds. 

    With this round of awarded state funding, more than $130 million in state transportation funding has been awarded through the local grant programs created by the Rebuild Alabama Act. 

    For more information about the Annual Grant Program, visit the program’s dedicated webpage at