VINEMONT, Ala. – Vinemont Middle School eighth grader Johan Rodriguez was diagnosed with brain cancer about two weeks ago, and his school community is collecting donations for him and his family so they can focus on his recovery.
The school posted a list of suggested donations, including get-well cards, restaurant gift cards, gas cards, ramen noodles, microwave Easy Mac, granola bars, peanut butter crackers, Welch’s fruit snacks, prepackaged cookies, Capri Suns, activity books, writing journals, colored pencils, card games, Pokémon cards, beanies, blankets, fuzzy socks, pajamas (youth large), Chapstick and unscented lotion.
Cash donations are also being accepted to help pay for any expenses. Cash donations can be given to Mrs. Schnittker or Mrs. Sharpe at the school.
Principal Johnny Whaley said, “He’s doing well. He was home for a few days before he had to start his first treatments. His spirits are high right now.”
In support of Rodriguez, all Vinemont School students wore gray T-shirts to school on Monday. Gray is the color of brain cancer awareness. Students were also allowed to wear a hat for a $1 donation to the Rodriguez family.
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