Files from yesteryear: 1954


From the files of 1954

Mrs. Cecil Looney, of Geraldine, was the guest last week of Mrs. Lois Weeks. Mrs. Weeks returned home with her for several days.

Mrs. Jimmy Duren, of Birmingham, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James E. Nail and Mr. and Mrs. R.W. Duren.

Mr. and Mrs. Lester Owens, of Rossville, Georgia, were the guests this weekend of Mr. and Mrs. Genhard Boerner, who were enroute to their home in Jacksonville, Florida, were the weekend guests of Reverend and Mrs. Roscoe Wilhite.

Hulaco Activities

The Ryan P.T.A. met on Monday night. John Julian was elected president, replacing Mrs. Kathleen Allford, who served last year. The first vice-president is Whitney Earwood, the second vicepresident is Ray Burden, the secretary is Quinton Wright and treasurer is Mrs. Earlene Write. The P.T.A. gave Mrs. Cleo Blackwood the Home Economics Teacher $25 to buy supplies for the Home Economics room. The project for this year is improvement in elementary classrooms. Every parent is urged to be present for the next P.T.A. meeting, which will be on October 5.

The two new teachers this year are Mr. Howell and Lester Ralph. Lester has taught and coached before at Ryan High School.

Etheridge Price has been ill for several days.

Mrs. “Shag” Butler (Pat Latham) is ill in the Arab Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Nesmith visited relatives at Athens on Monday.

Jo Grace entered Childhaven on Monday. She has spent several days with the Donald Graces.

Picnicking at the Port of Pines, on Labor Day were the James Wright family, the D. H. Grace family, Mrs. Carolyn Wright, Miss Jo Grace and the Theo Wright family from Birmingham, who spent the weekend with his parents. The Robert Wright family from Guntersville visited relatives here on Sunday.

Bennie Ralph, from California, surprised his mother, Mrs. Anna Ralph on Friday about 9 p.m., when he arrived home unexpectedly and then announced he had a job at Huntsville and had come to stay. Ben has been in California for several years. The Howard College Extension meets each Thursday at 6:30 p.m., at Ryan Church. The W.M.U. met at the church on Tuesday at 7 p.m.