GOOD HOPE, Ala. – Good Hope’s City Council held its first September meeting at Good Hope City Hall Monday night and had several new business items on the agenda to handle. The Council approved a pair of Resolutions, passed a new zoning Ordinance and held its first reading for an Ordinance to authorize the operation of medical marijuana dispensaries in the city limits. The Council will have the option to approve the Ordinance at its next meeting.
Up first was Ordinance No: 018-2022 – Amends Zoning Ordinance No: 009-2019 of the City of Good Hope as to section 2.04 planned development district and all the R zones in sections 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05.
The Council held the second reading for the ordinance Monday night and passed it.
Following the approval of Ordinance, No: 018-2022, the Council had the first reading for Ordinance No: 019-2022 – Authorizing the operation of a medical cannabis dispensary within the corporate limits of the City of Good Hope.
The Ordinance reads,
“Whereas on May 17, 2021, the Governor for the State of Alabama signed Darren Wesley ‘Ato’ Hall Compassion Act into law (The Act); and whereas the act provides for the medical use of marijuana for patients with a qualifying medical condition and a valid medical cannabis card; and whereas a dispensary may only be operated in a municipality if the municipality has passed an Ordinance authorizing the operation of dispensaries within the municipality’s corporate limits; and whereas the Act authorizes and requires the Medical Cannabis Commission to heavily regulate dispensary operations, thus addressing any health, safety or welfare concerns for the citizens of the City of Good Hope; and whereas the location of a dispensary within the corporate limits of the City of Good Hope will bring the potential of new employment opportunities for the City of Good Hope; and whereas a dispensary would be required to purchase a business license and pay sales tax to the City of Good Hope, thus increasing revenue.
Effective date: This ordinance shall become effective immediately in the entire City of Good Hope upon certification by the City Clerk, that it is legal to allow a medical cannabis dispensary in the City of Good Hope, has been authorized pursuant to provision of the laws of the State of Alabama.
Now, therefore be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Good Hope, Alabama that it authorizes the operation of dispensing sites within the corporate limits of the City of Good Hope subject to any applicable zoning restrictions the City of Good Hope may adopt pursuant to 20-2A-51(c)(3).”
The first of the Resolutions that were passed Monday night was Resolution No: 020-2022 – To renew the City of Good Hope’s annual contract with the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office.
The Resolution reads,
“Whereas, the City of Good Hope has read the proposed agreement concerning law enforcement services provided by the Sheriff. Whereas the citizens of the City of Good Hope will benefit from the said agreement; Now therefore be it resolved that the City of Good Hope may enter into an agreement with the Cullman County Sheriff’s Office; It is further resolved that Jerry Bartlett, acting as the mayor of the City of Good Hope is hereby authorized to enter into said agreement and the agreement will be made part of this resolution. Now, therefore, be it resolved, the agreement be executed in the name of the City, for and on behalf of the City of Good Hope, by its mayor and Council.”
To wrap up Monday night’s meeting, the Council approved Resolution No: 021-2022 – To execute a contract with GameTime Playground Equipment for a new playground.
“Whereas, the City of Good Hope has authority to oversee and expend duties; and whereas Good Hope does desire to keep citizens active in our community by adding entertainment for children; and wherefore GameTime has submitted a price and the city has procured a grant to help cover some of the expense; and now therefore be it resolved, the they Mayor of the City of Good Hope is hereby authorized to sign the agreement to move the project forward, as voted upon in a regular meeting of the city council on Monday, September 12, 2022.”
The Good Hope City Council will hold its next meeting Monday, Sept. 26 at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall.
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