CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission recently voted in favor of a sanitation rate increase to go into effect Oct. 1.
Residential service rates will increase $3 a month from $12.01 to $15.01. Exempted from the 75 cents a week increase will be seniors, age 65 and older, whose rates will remain the same, at $7.82 a month. Senior rates are available by calling the sanitation department at 256-287-1142. The cost for additional cans will remain the same at $7 per month.
This is the first increase in sanitation rates for the county in 10 years and was cited as necessary due to the department losing money every year, according to Cullman County Sanitation Department Director Larry Rollo.
“What we need to do is we just need to get on the CPI schedule, the consumer price index, which would give us an increase every year and then we don’t have to go every 10 years and go up as much at one time,” he said.
The CPI is a statistical measurement monitoring the cost of living by tracking the average change in price consumers pay for a sample of goods and services.
After Rollo’s statements to the commission, a motion was made and then seconded by Commissioner Garry Marchman, who said, “You’re right, Rollo. We’re operating at a deficit and that’s the key to all of this. We’re operating in the hole right now, and we’ve got to go up on rates just to level out.”
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