GOOD HOPE, Ala. – Good Hope’s City Council held its second August council meeting Monday night and Mayor Jerry Bartlett led things off by signing a Mayoral Proclamation of September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Cullman EMS Director James Curtis was also on hand to join the council for the signing.
“We’ve partnered up with Cook Ministries and launched a new program called HELLO and the premise is that sometimes it just takes one word to change somebody’s day and keep them from going down a path they don’t need to be on. Our mission statement is to advocate and educate about mental health awareness and to facilitate those in our communities searching for help. What we’re looking to do is partner up with local entities to help get people the help they need,” Curtis said. “We need to come together to combat this. These things are preventable. As a community it’s something we can combat, and we need to look out for one another and take care of each other.”
After signing the proclamation, Bartlett and the Council went on to approve Resolution No: 017-2022, an annual resolution adopting a transportation plan pursuant to the Rebuild Alabama Act.
The Resolution reads,
“Therefore, be it resolved, by the City Council of the City of Good Hope as follows:
- The City Council of the City of Good Hope hereby passes this Resolution as its Transportation Plan submitted in compliance with the Rebuild Act, Act No. 2019-2
- Pursuant to the Act, the City Council of the City of Good Hope estimates that its anticipated allocation from the Rebuild Alabama Act fund for the first fiscal year at six (6) cents, will be approximately $17,573.00, with increasing allocations for the second year at eight (8) cents will be approximately $23,430.00, and for the third year and each fiscal year after, at ten (10) cents will be approximately $29,288.00.
- The City of Good Hope shall deposit said funds, per the State of Alabama, Office of the Treasury, into our current Gas Tax account at Premier Bank of the South, and only expend monies pursuant to the Rebuild Alabama Act 2019-2.
- Pursuant to the Act, the City anticipates expending funds received pursuant to the Act, in part or in whole, to fund any of the following listed projects:
- Maintain or repair existing roadways in city limits as needed
- The City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to post a copy of this Resolution as its Transportation Plan in a conspicuous place at the following posting places within the city of Good Hope those being Good Hope City Hall, Good Hope Community Center and on the website of the City of Good Hope at www.goodhopeal.com.
Before adjourning, the Council also approved Ordinance No: 018-2022 to amend Zoning Ordinance No: 009-2019 as to Section 2.04 planned development district and all the R zones in sections 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 5.05.
“Be it ordained, by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Good Hope, Alabama, as follows:
SECTION 2.04, Planned Development (PD) District Regulations
This is an amendment to Section 2.04, C. 8. From the date of the passage of this amendment Section C.8 shall read: Minimum Setbacks will be granted upon approval of site plans submitted to the planning commission on a case-by-case basis.
SECTION 3.02, (RA) Rural/Agricultural District
This is an amendment to Section 3.02, A. Primary Structures. No. 5 to Read as follows: 5. Minimum Square Footage: Shall not be less than 1,000 square feet of living space at ground level.
SECTION 3.03, (R1) Single-Family Detached
This is an amendment to Section 3.03, A. Primary Structures. No. 6 to Read as follows: 6. Minimum Square Footage: Shall not be less than 1,000 square feet of living space at ground level.
SECTION 3.04, (R2) Single-Family Detached
This is an amendment to Section 3.04, A. Primary Structures. No. 6 to Read as follows: 6. Minimum Square Footage: Shall not be less than 1,000 square feet of living space at ground level.
SECTION 3.05, (R3) Single-Family and Multi-Family
This is an amendment to Section 3.05, A. Primary Structures. No. 6 to Read as follows: 6. Minimum Square Footage: Shall not be less than 1,000 square feet of living space at ground level.
The Good Hope City Council will hold its next meeting Monday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall.
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