CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission on Tuesday went into executive session with Cullman County Attorney Emily Johnston to discuss “possible or pending litigation.” Upon returning from the session, the commission voted to approve the recommendation of outside attorney Hope Hicks. Details of the recommendation will be provided by the commission when the meeting minutes are released. They had not been released by press time Wednesday evening.
The commission recognized Melodie Parsons, LICSW, for Outstanding Service to the Citizens of Cullman County, and the County proclaimed Suicide Prevention Awareness Month recognizing that suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in U.S. and 13th in Alabama.
The following resolutions were approved:
- Adopt the revised Title VI Program for CARTS and authorize Chairman Jeff Clemons to sign all related paperwork
- Authorize the agreement with Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) relating to CARTS with partial funding by the Federal Transit Administration for FY 2023-2025 and authorize chairman to sign all related paperwork
- Change speed limit to 25 mph on County Road 34
- Apply for state and federal matching funds for airport improvement projects for the Cullman Regional Airport during fiscal year 2023 and authorize chairman to sign all related paperwork
- Modification of per diem meal allowance for County employees traveling in the State of Alabama
In additional business, the following agenda items were approved:
- Authorize chairman to sign Certificate of Compliance with the Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act for CARTS
- Approval to order seven high-top transit vans for CARTS in the amount of $599,991 with local match funds of $120,001 and authorize chairman to sign all related paperwork
- Renewal of employee/retiree health insurance with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama. Cullman County maintains a self-insured policy that is administered by Blue Cross. No change in funding levels for FY 2023 and authorize chairman to sign all related paperwork.
- Consider the renewal of stop-loss insurance with UnityRe, lnc./Gerber Life Insurance Company. No change in rates for FY 2023 and authorize chairman to sign all related paperwork
- Renewal of life, short-term disability, long-term disability and critical illness insurance with Mutual of Omaha. No change in rates for FY 2023 and authorize chairman to sign all related paperwork
- Addition of AirMedCare to benefits package effective 10/1/2022 for all active Cullman County employees eligible for employee benefits. Expected costs to be $55/per person annually or $27,500 for 500 employees and authorize chairman to sign all related paperwork
- Changing current vision provider from Canopy Southland to VSP, to be administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama effective 1/1/2023. This would be an enhanced vision plan with better benefits and ease of use. Increased cost of approximately $12,000 would be offset by reduced administrative effort by having only one provider for the administration of the county health plan, including medical, dental, vision and prescription drugs
- Approval of lease agreement with Enterprise for seven (7) 2022 RAM 1500 Tradesman 4×4 Crew Cab trucks for Animal Control and Road Department $43,696.00 each
- Installation of porch piers for stabilization (Porch A) from Deep South Construction Pros for the Water Department in the amount of $9,600
- Approval of the County Transportation Plan per requirements of the Rebuild Alabama Act – County Road 1807 and County Road 1813
- Recommendation by the Sanitation Department for new sanitation rate schedule and annual increase by CPI effective Oct. 1, 2022 (Look for a full article on the new rate schedule.)
- Surplus of the following items from Stony Lonesome OHV Park to be auctioned on GovDeals: Eight HMMWV tires and two sets of HMMWV tops and doors
- Surplus of the following items from the Probate Office to be scrapped: Canon Image Runner 4035 (Serial# HPR13729) and Canon Image Runner C250 (Serial# QNT00507)
- Surplus of the following CARTS buses to be transferred to other Section 5311 agencies:
- 2013 Star Craft Ford E450 (Vin# 1FDFE4FSXDDA75651)
- 2013 Star Craft Ford E450 (Vin# 1FDFE4FS9DDA75625)
- 2013 Star Craft Ford E450 (Vin# 1FDFE4FS9DDA75642)
- 2013 Star Craft Ford E450 (Vin# 1FDFE4FS9DDA85703)
- 2013 Star Craft Ford E450 (Vin# 1FDFE4FS6DDA85710)
- 2013 Star Craft Ford E450 (Vin# 1FDFE4FS7DDA93332)
- 2013 Star Craft Ford E450 (Vin# 1FDFE1FS8DDA93274)
- Award Bid no. 1405 for Rail Track Construction Project for Sportsman Lake Park to SDAC Rail Services in the amount of $58,142.72
- Award Bid no. 1407 for pest control to American Pest Control
- Award Bid no. 1408 for service for the sheriff’s office and other County departments to BERCO INC OBA Havoline Xpress Lube
The next commission meeting is scheduled for Sept. 20. The work session will begin at 4 p.m. and the regular meeting is at 6. Meetings are held at the courthouse and are open to the public.
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