Vinemont Town Council approves renovation of community center

Charlotte Cosper, Bonnie Goodwin, Sonya Copeland and Mayor Radginal Dodson Tuesday evening (Sara Gladney for The Cullman Tribune)

VINEMONT, Ala. – The Vinemont Town Council met on Tuesday evening to discuss various improvement projects for the town. The town allocated $16,105.00 of American Rescue Plan Funds to begin improvements on the community center including remodeling the floor and toilets. The town has hired Southeast Concrete Solutions based in Hartselle to complete the renovations. The company has previously renovated Albertville town hall and a municipal building in Gadsden. The estimated completion time is within seven days after starting with no foot traffic allowed in the area for 48 hours afterward.

The council hopes more people will utilize the community center after the beautification project is finished. Council member Chris Thompson said, “I tell people all the time to go to the community center—they don’t even know where it is.”

The council voted to allocate funds toward the Walking Trail playground of $3900 for surface material including rubber mulch and a border. This would be a continuation of the use of the ARPA Funds for this project.

The council members also approved the purchase of the Sports Complex Park improvement items using the ARPA funds ($16,387.00). Included will be a new play set and additional bleachers for social distancing.

The turn lane project at the intersection of High School Road and Hwy 31 N for the new Jack’s restaurant development will begin next week.

Construction on the new Jack’s will begin Monday with completion set at the end of 180 days.

The council also granted several donations—one to the Cullman County Sheriff’s Rodeo of $500.00.

Vinemont Baptist Church requested the use of the community center on July 3, 2022, for a Fourth of July Community Fireworks Show. The council elected to participate in the event and will be donating free hotdogs, drinks, and chips for all attendees.

The Vinemont 8u girls’ softball team is headed to the 2022 All Stars World Series in

Gulfport Mississippi in July. Thirteen families will be going to spend a week in Mississippi for the event.

Sonya Copeland made the motion to donate $1000 to the girls on the team to be split evenly between the families for their trip expenses.

They are one of two teams in Cullman County that will be going. Copeland said, “Those little girls have been busting their tails car washing and trying to raise money. It’s expensive.”

Another donation of $1000 was granted to Vinemont Schools for the purchase of Character Education shirts for all students from kindergarten to 12th grade. Every student in the school will be given a red shirt printed with the words Eagle Pride.

The Vinemont Town Council meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at Vinemont Town Hall. The public is invited to attend.

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