Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1920


Miss Audrey Chandler spent Sunday in Hanceville with friends.

Horace Quattlebaum of Akron, Ohio is spending a few days in Cullman.

Mr. Talmadge Bland has accepted a position in Birmingham.

Mr. and Mrs. T.L. Glasscock of Welti are the proud parents of a fine baby boy.

Doctor W.H. Price and two little daughters attended the fair in Birmingham on Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Stiefelmeyer announce the arrival of a little daughter at their home on the East side.

Mr. Carl Griffin returned to Anniston on Saturday after a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Griffin near Good Hope. He is a baggage manager at the Union Depot there.

The first community fair was the greatest event ever held in Cullman County on October 14, 1920. Hulaco, Baileyton, Joppa, Fairview and Prairie Grove Communities held a joint fair that was a credit for all of Cullman County. The fair was excellent in every way including farm produce, canned food, needlework and sewing, cattle, poultry, cooking, schoolwork, etc. There was a basketball game, horseback riding and buggy driving of a skillful type. The day was filled with good old-fashioned fun. Booths sold drinks and eats to the crowd. The profits from sales were designated for school needs.

Professor Keller, the County Superintendent of Education, delivered a fine lecture on better schools at Fairview School on Saturday night.

Misses Hettie, Elberta and Leona Bailey, the three pretty schoolteachers at Brushy Creek School attended church and Sunday School at Brushy Pond on Sunday.

Amon Pinkerton is boarding at the Andrew Pinkerton residence in order to attend the junior high school.

Charley Keaton was a visitor of Lee Hestley on Sunday evening.

Reverend G.W. Campbell preached his farewell sermon at Ryan’s Creek Church on Sunday.

Ellis, the little son of Reverend and Mrs. S.J. “Sim” Calvert, who has been very sick with fever, is improving.