Files from yesteryear: from the files of 1952


Memorial services will be held at Bethlehem West on May 14, beginning at 10o’clock.

Jimmy Rogers of Berlin was run over and badly injured by a tractor, a few days ago.

Annette Hare visited Barbara Moore at Welcome on Sunday.

Mrs. Zelma King, formerly Zelma Gaither of Beech Grove, is with her husband in Arkansas, where he is in military service.

Gaydean Harbin of Center Point is sick with the measles.

Ellis and Lyda Calvert and sons, James Ellis and Johnny of Good Hope attended church at Holly Pond on Sunday.

Philip Holmes of Hamby’s Chapel badly cut his foot when he jumped off the porch and landed on a fruit jar last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Swann of Pentecost were dinner guests of Reverend and Mrs. J.L. Patton on Sunday.

Isom Akins Deward Walker and Barnie Baggett of Fairview made a trip to Georgia last Saturday.

Reverend D.H. Davenport and his daughter of Valley Grove attended services at Ledocia on Sunday night.

Albert Burkart, Cecil Adams, James Shelton and R.T. Edwards spent the weekend fishing at Orange Beach. The group is from Hanceville.

Mrs. John Keller has returned home after visiting relatives for a week in Gadsden.

Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Sinyard of Guthrey’s Crossroads were Sunday afternoon guests of the Luther Freemans and Aunt Nancy Ann Bates.

Kenneth Sinyard of Brushy Pond had a wreck and totaled his truck, on Bremen Highway, on Monday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Leamon Calvert are hiring strawberry pickers.

Mr. and Mrs. Purvis Wilhite of Vinemont attended the singing at Mt. Carmel on Sunday.

Purple hull crowder pea seed for sale by Chester Motes of Hanceville. He lives near Edgewood Church.

Twenty white OIC pigs for sale at $10.00 each by Fred Kress.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller and sons were the guests of the Arco Rays last Saturday night.

William Childers and Mozelle Eidson of Eva were married on Wednesday in Mississippi.