Good Hope City Council approves pair of new annexations

The Good Hope City Council approved a pair of new land annexations at Monday night’s meeting. (Nick Griffin/The Cullman Tribune)

GOOD HOPE, Ala. – The Good Hope City Council gathered for its first May meeting Monday night and approved a pair of new land annexations on County Road 222. The annexation of the Allen-owned property was divided into two different ordinances, one accounting for 18.4 acres and the other accounting for .99 acres.

Ordinance No. 011-2022

Section One: Van Allen and Julie Allen, being the lawful owners of the below described real property, have filed a petition requesting their property to be annexed into the City of Good Hope and has attached to the petition a map showing the relationship of the property proposed to be annexed into the corporate limits and that map is on file at Good Hope City Hall.

Section Two: Said property is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Good Hope, Alabama and is not within the corporate limits or police jurisdiction of any other municipality.

Section Three: The petition meets all requirements of law and it is determined that the annexation would be beneficial the City of Good Hope, Alabama.

Section Four: The Good Hope City Council hereby assents to and by this ordinance does hereby annex the following property into the corporate limits of the City of Good Hope, Alabama.

Property Address: 2045 County Road 222 Cullman, AL 35057

Parcel No: 17-09-31-0-000-011.005 PPIN: 83689 Acres: 18.4

Ordinance No. 012-2022

Section One: Van Allen and Julie Allen, being the lawful owners of the below described real property, have filed a petition requesting their property to be annexed into the City of Good Hope and has attached to the petition a map showing the relationship of the property proposed to be annexed into the corporate limits and that map is on file at Good Hope City Hall.

Section Two: Said property is contiguous to the present corporate limits of the City of Good Hope, Alabama and is not within the corporate limits or police jurisdiction of any other municipality.

Section Three: The petition meets all requirements of law and it is determined that the annexation would be beneficial the City of Good Hope, Alabama.

Section Four: The Good Hope City Council hereby assents to and by this ordinance does hereby annex the following property into the corporate limits of the City of Good Hope, Alabama.

Property Address: 2045 County Road 222 Cullman, AL 350507

Parcel No: 17-09-31-0-000-011-004 PPIN: 57745 Acres: .99

Before adjourning Monday night’s meeting, the Council also approved a donation of $450 to the American Legion Auxiliary to help send a boy and girl student to the State Program at Troy University later this month and in June.

The Good Hope City Council will hold its next meeting Monday, May 23 at 6:30 p.m. at Good Hope City Hall. The public is invited to attend.

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