Files from yesteryear: From the files of 1900 and 1930


From the files of 1900:

The population of Cullman County is now 17,849.

Uncle Sam Cole, who is very ill at his Holly Pond home, has his sons from Texas and Louisiana visiting him.

Ron Graves left yesterday for Texas. Mrs. J.T. Bogue left Thursday for Senora, Kentucky.

Lee Kelley, of Garrison Point, was in Cullman yesterday.

Miss Pattie Oden, of Bangor, is visiting relatives here.

If people turn out Election Day, like they did to see the John Roberson show, an enormous vote will be polled.

J.H. Dunlap was called to Walter yesterday to see his brother, Robert Dunlap, who was kicked and seriously injured by a mule.

The population of the town of Cullman is 1,225.

Grover Halbrooks has accepted the agency for the Chattanooga Steam Laundry.

Governor Johnston passed through Cullman yesterday, enroute to Huntsville.

Captain E.J. Oden died of paralysis at his residence here, on October 21.

Blacksmith, W.T. Cooper, received a burn on his arm, with a hot iron.

Eggs are 12 cents per dozen, cotton is 8 ½ cents per pound and hens are 22 cents per pound.

Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Rasco visited relatives at Walter on Saturday.

Evert Finke and Ernest Malchow went down to see the Stouts Mountain railroad, last Sunday.

J.K. Bland, who came home from Alabama City, Illinois, is much improved.

From the files of 1930:

Oden Brothers cotton gin, on the Eva Road, burned to the ground, on Monday night.

Cotton is selling for 10 cents per pound, this week.

The county schools will reopen on Monday, November 3 after the recess for cotton picking.

Mrs. J.M. Bright died on October 23, after several months illness.

Miss Doris Wise was hostess to several friends, at a dance at her home on Saturday night.

Nick Ruehl celebrated his 82nd birthday, on Thursday.

Miss Essie Joiner and Clifton Oswalt of Tuskegee were married here, on Sunday afternoon.

Miss Deany Rollo entertained at bridge on Thursday, complimenting her sister, Mrs. J.D. Daniel of Birmingham.