Cullman County Commission proclaims April Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sara Gladney for The Cullman Tribune

CULLMAN, Ala. – The Cullman County Commission on Tuesday proclaimed April to be Child Abuse Prevention Month. The proclamation included, “April was first declared Child Abuse Prevention Month with a presidential proclamation by President Ronald Regan on 1983, in whereas child abuse prevention month is a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child abuse and neglect to promote the social and emotional well-being of children and families whereas our children are our most valuable resources and will shape the future of Cullman County.”

A proclamation was also made for Sexual Assault Awareness Month: “Building Safe Online Spaces Together: Sexual harassment, assault, and abuse can happen anywhere including in online spaces, and whereas harassment, cyber bulling, sexual abuse and exploitation have come to be expected as typical and unavoidable behaviors online…we must work together as a community to bring sexual assault awareness to the public.”

The commission approved a tax abatement for Project Home in the amount of $107,829. Economic Developer Stanley Kennedy said that the company is a Cullman based start-up. “The reason it’s under a confidential name is this product is an innovation in structure building in terms of a place of residence which has practical applications to FEMA as a disaster relief option and to our national defense. They are building a 1.95-million-dollar facility in Cullman County. It will create six new jobs, but I think that’s just the beginning. I think once this project gets rolling, we’ll see a lot bigger growth out of this company.”

He says they will save over $107,000 over a 10-year period but will still create over $66,000 for the county schools over the same period.

Also approved was a tax abatement for Project Tank in the amount of $1,186,986. Kennedy stated, “This is a $22.46 million project in unincorporated Cullman County. This project is related to the construction field. It will create 12 new jobs with an average wage between $62,000 and $83,000 a year which is above our county averages.” This project will save 1.8 million dollars in tax revenue over a 10-year period and create $772,000 in educational revenue.

In other business:

  • The commission changed the speed limit for County Road 349 to 25 mph. County engineer Brian Cheatwood stated that the area is a high residential community with a new incoming development, and he recommended changing the speed limit for safety reasons.
  • The speed limit was also changed for County Roads 1747 and 1748 to 15 mph. Cheatwood said that the roads were narrow dirt roads only wide enough for one car to pass through.
  • The model policies and procedures applicable to federal awards as required by 2 CFR Part 200 were adopted as requirements for the American Rescue Act funds.
  • The commission awarded bid to Jet-Pep, Inc. in the amount of $934,695.20 to construct a Pandemic Response Center. Bradley Williams stated, “We got a total CDBG grant for $803,861. We will have an approved for construction amount of $672,000.” The cost for the County will be about $262,000 for a building that would be worth approximately 1.3 million. The building is an old Rescue Squad building at the entrance of Sportsman Lake Park that will be in disrepair if not used. The building will be used for any pandemic related emergencies but can be used for other things as well. The Cull County Commission on Aging plans to move their offices next door to the new building.
  • The C.A.R.T.S. staff was authorized to travel to the 2022 CTAA Rodeo and Expo in Louisville, Kentucky. County Administrator John Bullard said, “This is national recognition for our CARTS drivers. It’s a really good program and after federal dollars are applied, it’ll end up costing the program about $600 dollars.”
  • The commission also selected ABM Building Solutions, LLC for the Comprehensive Infrastructure Energy Savings Project and signed the Master Development Agreement with ABM to proceed to the study and audit phase of the project. Don McPherson will ABM stated, “What we have the opportunity to do is take money that you’re already spending- money you’re already paying to the power, gas, the water, sewer and actually going and trying to upgrade your infrastructure and lower that and use the money you’re already spending.” Also stated that his company will help with setting up a roadmap of issues that will need to be fixed in the long term throughout the district.

The next commission meeting will be on Tuesday, May 17 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission office conference room in the Cullman County Courthouse. The public is invited to attend.

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