Inaugural County School Career Fair set for Friday at Good Hope High School gym

“There are so many great things happening at all of the schools in Cullman County and we want to find people who will help continue and improve on those great things.” - Joey Orr, Cullman County Schools Assistant Superintendent

Courtesy of Good Hope High School/Facebook

CULLMAN, Ala. – Cullman County Schools will host a Career Fair on the campus of Good Hope High School in the school’s gym on Friday.  

Richard Orr, assistant superintendent Cullman County Schools, said the Career Fair is great opportunity for principals to meet future applicants face-to-face.

“The Cullman County Schools Career Fair is a huge opportunity for our principals to get to meet face to face with educators, maintenance and bus drivers seeking employment in the district. The career fair will feature a table with representatives from every school in the Cullman County School District and allow applicants the opportunity to hand out resumes, showcase their abilities and meet potential employers,” said Orr. “We are excited about this event because it allows our principals to meet the best candidates early in the job searching process and hopefully secure those individuals for future openings.”

While many will attend the event, Orr said there are not specific positions open to fill. However, he said as the school year draws to a close there’s anticipation of many open positions,

“We will not have specific positions that will be filled the day of the Career Fair. What we anticipate is that we will have a great number of openings as the school year comes to an end as employees retire or change positions,” he said. “The goal of our Career Fair is to create an opportunity for employers and potential employees the chance to meet and interview and leave a lasting impression when the positions do become available.”

Besides principals being on location, representatives from the Cullman County Maintenance and Transportation Departments. While being the first year for the Career Fair, Orr stated he hopes it will become a yearly event.

“This past year has been unique in the fact that we have never experienced a staffing shortage like we have had this year and anticipate in the year to come. Our hope is that this opportunity allows us to recruit the best and brightest teachers and support staff to provide the best education possible for the students of Cullman County,” he said.

When posed what the most important element you’d like for all those coming out to know about the importance of working for Cullman County Schools, Orr stated the school system is looking for those passionate about their work.

“There are so many great things happening at all of the schools in Cullman County and we want to find people who will help continue and improve on those great things. We are looking for teachers that are passionate about teaching our students, loving them, preparing them for the future every single day and creating new opportunities for our students,” he said. “We are looking for drivers that place a priority on safety and maintenance staff that work hard to make sure our facilities are in the best possible condition to making learning for our students possible.”

The Cullman County Career Fair will be hosted in the Good Hope High School gym this Friday, April 8 from 2:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Parking will be in the rear of the gym and prospective employees can enter from the rear door of the gym.

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