63rd Annual Chittlin Supper raises funds for Meek Band of Champions

Band Boosters Lael Feist, Emily Atkins, and Lisa Williams (Sara Gladney for The Cullman Tribune)

ADDISON, Ala. – The 63rd Annual Chittlin Supper took place last Saturday at the Meek Elementary Gym. The annual event features buck dancing, singing, a hog calling competition and the Chittlin King and Queen. This year included a political forum to give the community a space to listen to political candidates from the area speak for a short time. Some of the candidates included Stan Cooke, Caleb Snoddy, Jeremy Oden, Lindy Blanchard, Rutger Hyche, Tom Fredricks, Tim Wadsworth, Brent Woodall, Bobby Everett and Ed Packard. The candidates paid $100 to speak for 5 minutes.

Throughout the day, leading up to the Chittlin Supper, were numerous events including the Spring Holiday Market in the morning which included vendors Katie’s Kreations, Wicked Vinyl Design, A Pinch of Pizzaz, Rita B’s Doll Clothes, Lakeway Laser Creations, Saks Thrift Ave/ Cutie’s Boutique – Kids, Miller Custom Knives, Crafted Hope Designs and Lindsay’s Cabin Confections.

There was also a Shrimp and Crawfish Lunch with a plate of a pound of shrimp for $20 and a pound of crawfish for $18. All of the proceeds will go toward funding new uniforms for the Meek band. The band members and band boosters organized the supper, setting up the tables in the gym and decorating the walls with pig pictures from each grade in the elementary, as well as serving tables. About a week before the supper, the band gets out early on a Saturday morning to cut and boil the chittlins to get them ready to be cooked.

The Winston County Chittlin Eaters Association is a group of people who come to the supper every year who enjoy chittlins. The group includes many Meek band members, alumni and teachers, but organizer Renea Adair says, “There are also other people from all over the state and Mississippi and Tennessee that come to this every year just to eat these chittlins.” To join the Chittlin Eaters Association, visit their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/winstoncountychittlineaters.

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